Thursday 28 May 2015

Can we welcome some sinners, please.

 To simply be present at Mass...

Having conducted the funeral today of a non-Catholic baptised man (who was more faithful in his weekly attendance at Holy Mass than many alleged Catholics in the parish) I was particularly struck by Fr Hunwick's recent piece on the Communion Procession, speaking to the need to develop a different praxis to enable the Church to be faithful to its teaching while at the same time adjusting to the very different levels of commitment to that teaching among those who might like to consider themselves a part of the Catholic community.  We hear a great deal in the Church (certainly from my seminary time onwards) about looking to new ways of doing things that take into account the new realities faced by the Church but so often these new ways are nothing more than mimicking the secular world or trying out ideas developed in the protestant tradition, whilst abandoning both the developments and truths in Catholic Tradition. 

It is possible to respect the Church's teaching and be welcoming to those many who might not be at the forefront of living up to it (among whom, I should add, I include myself) - for who are we to judge. Indeed, I'd be very pleased to have a church full of "sinners" who never came to Holy communion following the old adage that recognizing your failings is the biggest step in changing and is something that needs the grace of humility - something Our Lord seemed quite keen on.
"We need to move back to a liturgical culture, not (Heaven forbid) of turning people away from the Christian synaxis; not of implying by word or gesture that they should not be here: but of accepting them, welcoming them, as they are and where they are, without a judgement which it is not ours to pass, so that within the Christian community they can grow in love and understanding. As the Irish did more than a thousand years ago, we need to provide for the subchristianised in our congregations a culture in which it is the universally understood thing that a lot of people don't receive communion; that there's nothing odd or unusual about 'not going up'; it is thoroughly natural and normal not to communicate at Mass; nobody will wonder what's 'wrong' with you. (And it's not their business anyway.)"

Saturday 23 May 2015

Saint Philip Neri - Feast Day

If you are near Manchester early next week you might consider joining the Fathers of the Oratorian Community at St Chad's, Cheetham Hill Road, for St Philip's Day, as they celebrate the founder of the Oratorians. This year there will be Solemn Vespers and the Bishop of Salford, the Rt Rev John Arnold, is celebrating the Mass. You can always be assured of excellent music and very edifying liturgy!

Bank Holiday Monday 25th May
Barbeque at 2pm in the garden
Solemn First Vespers at 4pm

Tuesday 26th May
Solemn Pontifical Mass at 5.30pm

Friday 22 May 2015

Have the changes to the manner in which the Faithful receive the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament assisted the Faithful in their understanding of, and active participation in, the mystery, beauty and essential purposes of the Holy Mass?

There's a good article over at Crisis Magazine. It relates to the Church in the USA but what is says about taking stock from within is just as relevant over here in the UK. There are many things going on in society around us that we have very little possibility of influencing but we can focus on building up our spirituality and depth of Christian life to make us stronger for the conflicts with the world. But sometimes its easier to carp at the world from the sidelines than getting down to the harder task of tackling our own failings.

Here's a taste of the article with my own highlights but do go and read the whole article.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council. Pope Francis has decided to mark the occasion with the “Year of Mercy.” Despite much happy-talk and positive papal press, it is a time of foreboding in the Church...

It seems an apt time, therefore, for the  Conference of Bishops to take stock of the state of affairs ad intra Eccelsiam. By clearly examining the health of the inner life of the Church, the bishops can lay a better foundation for dealing with the challenges from the outside.

Of particular concern these fifty years after the Council ought to be the changes made to the liturgy in the late 1960s and 1970s, implemented by, and under the authority of, the bishops’ conferences. And the most fundamental of these changes relates to the manner of reception of Holy Communion at Mass, whereby the vast majority of today’s communicants receive Communion in the hand while standing.

In reviewing the challenges both inside and outside the Church, based upon several decades of experience, the bishops must ask themselves a simple, profound and concrete question: Have the changes to the manner in which the Faithful receive the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament assisted the Faithful in their understanding of, and active participation in, the mystery, beauty and essential purposes of the Holy Mass?

Reception of Holy Communion in the Hand
Today, the practice of receipt of Holy Communion at Mass in the hand is extremely widespread. Like other changes that followed the Council, many Catholics incorrectly associate this manner of reception with the “reforms” of Vatican II. In truth, the Council gave no permission to allow the Faithful to receive the Blessed Sacrament by hand, nor was it made part of the rubrics for the Novus Ordo missal of 1969.

The movement to permit this manner of reception grew in force after the close of the Council. The idea, it seems, was based on a kind of antiquarianism that associated reception in the hand with the practice of the early Church. It was also part of the effort to promote the understanding of the Mass as a community meal over the conception of the Mass as primarily a Holy Sacrifice.

It seems apparent, however, that these lofty concepts were hardly embraced or understood by the vast majority of the laity. For his part, Pope Paul VI perceived significant dangers in allowing for the practice. Responding to the pleas of a minority of progressive European bishops (sound familiar?) to permit in-hand reception, in May 1969, the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship declared that “the Holy Father has decided not to change the existing way [via the tongue] of administering holy communion to the faithful.” (See Memoriale Domini at para. 11.)

The Holy See apprehended the gravity of permitting a change in the solemn manner of the reception of the Blessed Sacrament. It recognized that the proposed change “carries certain dangers with it which may arise from the new manner of administering holy communion: the danger of a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar, of profanation, of adulterating the true doctrine.” (See Id. para. 10.) By a two-to-one margin, the bishops worldwide voted in support of the position of the Holy Father.

Nonetheless, in the typical fashion of the times, the pope undercut his own declaration by allowing the various bishops’ conferences the right to permit Communion in the hand in their respective territories via a secret, two-thirds majority vote of the bodies. (See Id. at para. 11-12.)

Reception of Holy Communion While Standing
The practice of receiving the Blessed Sacrament while standing proceeded the limited permission for in-hand reception.

In 1967, the Sacred Congregation of Rites promulgated Eucharisticum Mysterium, wherein the Holy See declared that the Faithful may receive the Blessed Sacrament either standing or kneeling.

The Current State of Affairs
According to a 2013 study performed for Georgetown’s Center for Applied Research on the Apostolate, only 63 percent of U.S. Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Nearly 1 in 5 believers in the Real Presence apparently hold to the belief without an awareness that it is taught by the Church. And of course well-over a third of Catholics do not believe at all in the Real Presence.

It is not here necessary to rehash other statistical information on the decline of American Catholicism following the Council and the changes to the Mass, such as the sharp drops in Mass attendance and vocations. While the experience of the last 50 years has not been uniformly negative, the tendency of the hierarchy to trumpet the “springtime of renewal” is a sad joke.

Furthermore, as the digital pages of this publication and so many other highlight daily, the American Church is increasingly isolated in a culture that is under constant, and effective, assault from an aggressive secularist, modernist ideology. Many American bishops have courageously and articulately proclaimed and defended the Church’s teachings on life, marriage and religious liberty, and yet, especially with marriage, there is a sense that the Church is rapidly losing ground and is, essentially, ignored.

In sum, we are not properly catechizing ad intra or ad extra Eccelsiam. The reasons for the problem are many, but at the core, the problem stems from our diminished liturgy, the diminishment of which is highlighted by the manner in which the Faithful receive Corpus Christi. Since, as the Council proclaimed in Sacrosanctum Concilium, the liturgy is the “summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed” and is also “the font from which her power flows,” we must first graft the spiritual life of the Faithful wholly onto the liturgy before we can hope to broadly evangelize inside and outside the Church. And reverence before the Eucharist is the heart of liturgical spirituality.

As has always been the case, the Mass is the greatest tool for teaching and handing on the Faith. The Church need not convert the entire body of believers into Thomistic scholars in order for the Faithful to fully understand and embrace the True Presence.

In a simple and profound way, the faithful can learn this truth merely through the reverent reception of the Blessed Sacrament and by observing the way in which we treat the Sacred Species. Its reception should be done in a manner that is unlike any other experienced in daily life.

In deep reverence, we come to Communion on our knees. Nothing else given to us requires us to kneel down in awe and respect.

We do not touch it, as we would any other object someone might give to us, for it alone is too holy.

We receive it with a paten under our chins, lest even a crumb fall to the ground. No other food is so honored.

Finally, it is essential for the episcopacy to be mindful of the geneses of Communion in the hand and the standing posture. Neither is the work of the Council. Sacrosanctum Concilium says nothing regarding a change in the manner of the reception of Holy Communion.

Neither is mentioned in the rubrics of the Novus Ordo; even the substantial changes instituted in the “Mass of Paul VI” gave no directive for these practices.

Indeed, Blessed Paul VI himself, the pope of the Council, refused to endorse in-hand reception and strongly counseled against it.

Thus, there is no reason given by the magisterium to retain these practices. Whatever abstract or academic notions prompted their adoption, the experience of the Church in the decades since shows that the underlying theology of the changes did nothing to catechize the faithful and enhance their devotion to the sacred liturgy.

The American bishops rightly wish to engage the culture on a wide range of issues, including the so-called “social issues.” Yet it is only the action of grace, the working of the Holy Spirit, that can ultimately convert hearts, and then minds. Until the Church fully reclaims the Sacred Liturgy and realizes the long-lost desire of the Council to draw the faithful into a deeper spiritual life, with the Liturgy at it center, the New Evangelization will not succeed.

Our shepherds need now to look to the inside in order to be prepared to reach to the outside. Promote honor and reverence for the Blessed Sacrament; the rest will follow.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Pugin for the £20 note!

The Bank of England is asking for nominations for an historical British person from the visual arts to appear on the £20 note.  Visual artists include architects, artists, ceramicists, craftspeople, designers, fashion designers, filmmakers, photographers, printmakers and sculptors.

I've suggested AWN Pugin.  
Deliberately Catholic.
Link to the Catholic past of our nation through gothic revival, yet use of modern methods.
Link to the Houses of Parliament.
All very suitable.

Use the link below to make a suggestion. 

As far as I can work out there has never been a Catholic on a British banknote! [Except Edward elgar - as has been pointed out since I posted this! Apologies for the slip.] William Shakespeare has appeared on the £20 note and there are those who hold that he was a Catholic - probably! See Joseph Pearce's works "Through Shakespeare's Eyes" and "The Quest for Shakespeare". But many might dispute that claim and its probably not in the public consciousness.

So get over to the Bank of England site and nominate a Catholic!

Monday 18 May 2015

The hovering Passcal Candle

For those who celebrate the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite, we extinguished the Pascal Candle after the Gospel on the Feast of the Ascension (whenever that was!) But in parishes where both forms of the Roman Rite are carried out it hovers on - lighted  or unlighted - until Pentecost, when it unceremoniously disappears after the Mass.

Although there is no instruction to do so, it occurred to me that even in the newer Form, it would be perfectly possible to extinguish it after the Gospel on the Feast of Pentecost - a good starting point for the preaching and a good visible sign of the end of the season. Plus, a little bit of continuity with what went before.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Missa Cantata for the Ascension

For anyone within reach of Leyland, we are celebrating the Ascension of Our Lord with

Missa Cantata
Thursday 14th May.

Celebratory refreshments afterwards.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon

A reminder that the Northern Province of the British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is welcoming the Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon, the Archbishop of Liverpool as its speaker on Wednesday May 13th at 11.00am.

You don't have to be a member of the Confraternity to attend - all clergy are welcome - although you might consider joining the Confraternity for its excellent support.

Fr Stephen Brown, the Northern Province Convenor, invites anyone interested to attend the talk to be given in the Pope John Paul Room here at my parish of St Catherine Laboure, Stanifield Lane, Farington, Leyland. PR25 4QG.  Motorway links to Leyland are very good from the M6 and M65 (once on Stanifield Lane the driveway to the church is between Farington Park and a little road called Kew Gardens - its easy to drive past the first time!)

The topic Archbishop Malcolm will be speaking on is: 

“Evangelii Gaudium and the Priesthood”

There will be lunch afterwards next door at 1pm in the splendid setting of Farington Lodge Hotel. The talk is, of course, free! But if you would like to attend the lunch I need numbers in advance - and payment of £20 in advance, please. You can contact me by e-mail AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - - to let me know if you would like to come and send cheques for the lunch made payable to "St Catherine's Church".   

The British Province of St Gregory the Great is part of the wider family of the Confraternities of Catholic Clergy in Australia and the USA.

Friday 1 May 2015

Mass for the Martyrs

Missa Cantata
for the Feast of the English Martyrs
on Monday 4th May 
at St Catherine's at 7pm.

Celebratory refreshments afterwards.

It seems particularly appropriate to celebrate the Traditional Form of the Mass for this feast, as it was the Mass which nourished their faith and for which they gave their lives. Let us pray for the conversion of England - perhaps prayers for our country are particularly appropriate at this election time.