Thursday 22 December 2022

Christmas Masses


(Please click on the picture for details of the music)

A Blessed Christmas to everyone!

Thanks to all who attended our Carol Concert last week

and to the fabulous Octavius Singers.

We raised £458 for those affected by leprosy in Sri Lanka,

supported by the Order of St Lazarus.

Do come and join us to celebrate Christmas with a wonderful selection of festive music on Christmas Eve.

Saturday 24th December. CHRISTMAS EVE
Carols from 6.35pm.
Confessions from 6.30pm - 6.50pm.
Vigil Mass for Christmas at 7pm
Mulled Wine & Mince Pies afterwards

Christmas Day - Sunday

Mass at 8.30am

(Please note that there is no 10am Mass this Sunday.)

Monday  Feast of St Stephen 9.30am Mass

Tuesday No public Mass today

Wednesday Feast of teh Holy Innocents 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  Feast of St Thomas Becket Mass 9.30am

Friday Feast of the Holy Family  9.30am Mass

Saturday 11.30 - 11.50am Confessions 
               12 noon Traditional Latin Mass
Sunday 1st January
Mass at 8.30am & 10am. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
Refreshments served after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room.
Come and join us!

Friday 16 December 2022

Carol Concert & Fourth Sunday of Advent



There are Confessions at 11.30am before the 12 noon Mass.



Saturday 17th December 

our annual Charity Candlelit Carol Concert 

with the talented Octavius Singers.

Everyone always says, it marks the start of “Christmas proper” for them, so if you’ve never been before why not come along this year?

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies will be served afterwards in the Pope John Paul Room.

A collection will be taken up for those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka, work funded by the Order of St Lazarus.

Sunday 18th December: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments served after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  No public Services today

Friday   9.30am Mass
Saturday 24th December. CHRISTMAS EVE
Carols from 6.35pm.
Vigil Mass for Christmas at 7pm
Mulled Wine & Mince Pies afterwards

Mass at 8.30am 

Please note that there is no 10am Mass today!

Saturday 10 December 2022

Gaudete Sunday



Saturday 17th December 

our annual Charity Candlelit Carol Concert 

with the talented Octavius Singers.

Everyone always says, it marks the start of “Christmas proper” for them, so if you’ve never been before why not come along this year?

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies will be served afterwards in the Pope John Paul Room.

A collection will be taken up for those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka, work funded by the Order of St Lazarus.

Sunday 11th December: Third Sunday of Advent. Gaudete. Year A
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments served after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass
              Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                               12 noon Traditional Latin Mass
                                7.30pm CAROL CONCERT

Sunday 18th December: Forth Sunday of Advent
Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Saturday 26 November 2022

First Sunday of Advent and our Parish Feast day

This Sunday marks the start of Advent.

A good time to make a new effort to attend Holy Mass and prepare in a spiritual way for the birth of the Christ-child amidst the hurly burly of life.


Monday is the feast of our Patron, St Catherine Labouré, and while we will offer Mass in her honour on Monday, recognizing that not many people can attend on a weekday, we will also celebrate her this Sunday and pray for our parish community.


Many parishioners like to know in advance the date of our annual Carol Concert, so as to make sure not to miss it.

Here are the details.


Saturday 17th December 

our annual Charity Candlelit Carol Concert 

with the talented Octavius Singers.

Everyone always says, it marks the start of “Christmas proper” for them, so if you’ve never been before why not come along this year?

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies will be served afterwards in the Pope John Paul Room.

A collection will be taken up for those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka, work funded by the Order of St Lazarus.

Sunday 27th November: First Sunday of Advent. Year A
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   No public Mass today (School Advent Assembly)

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 4th December: Second Sunday of Advent
Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Saturday 19 November 2022

Christ the King


Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 27th November: First Sunday of Advent
Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Saturday 12 November 2022

Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 13th November: REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 20th November: Christ the King
Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Saturday 5 November 2022

Sunday 6th November Parish Masses at St Catherine's, Leyland

Pope St Leo the Great. Feast on Friday

The year 452 brought a shadow out of the East that lengthened over Rome. Attila the Hun was coming, and the earth trembled beneath his tread. His barbarian horde had been scorching Italy, leaving death and devastation in their wake. Cruel in torture, ravenous in plunder, and boundless in arrogance, the Hun, called the Scourge of God, razed and ravaged and rushed upon Rome. But as Attila loomed before the Eternal City, there came to meet him not an army, but a man. Out from the ancient gates of Rome passed a white-haired ancient in bishop’s raiment. The aged pope of Rome hobbled forth to hold conference with the wild Hun while the city waited and watched. A feeble old man prepared to save his flock. One of the reasons he’s called he’s Great.

Sunday 6th November: 

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 9.30am Mass 

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 13th November: REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am 

Saturday 29 October 2022

All Saints and All Souls


ALL SAINTS DAY AND ALL SOULS DAY: A reminder that Tuesday is All Saints day - a Holyday of Obligation. While the obligation was suspended during the pandemic, we should remember that it has now been re-instated.

According to the Code of Canon Law, Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, is always observed as the foremost holy day of obligation for the universal Church.  (The obligation involved is simply the duty to attend Mass on that day.)  We should not forget the importance of these holy days.  The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council stated, “Thus recalling the mysteries of the redemption, the Church opens up to the faithful the riches of her Lord’s powers and merits, so that these are in some way made present for all time; the faithful lay hold of them and are filled with saving grace” (#102).  Therefore, the importance of attending Mass on Sunday or any other holy day is not simply because of an obligation, but why it is an obligation.  Our lives are so busy, and we face so many distractions.  We could lose sight of God or become numb to His presence.   Maybe we do have to sacrifice to attend Mass by rearranging our schedule or suffering some inconvenience to the normal course of life.  So what?  Our cherishing the mysteries of our salvation should take precedence over the exigencies of living in this world.  Remember at the Last Supper, Jesus reminded the apostles that while they live in the world, they are not of this world (John 17:13-19).  The holy days help us to remember the same.  Therefore, we must pause to ponder, celebrate, and live the mystery of salvation by marking each Sunday, these special holy events, and the lives of those who are exemplars of faith with the offering of the Holy Mass.

Wednesday is All Souls Day. Whilst not a Holyday of Obligation, it is indeed a very holy day set aside to pray for those who have died and may need the benefit of our prayers to help them on their way through Purgatory (the preparation or purification to enable them to be ready and able to see God face to face in all His glory). The Mass here is offered in particular for all those on our Pious List (including deceased members and friends of the Order of St Lazarus). It initiates a whole month - November - when we are encouraged to pray for the “Holy Souls” each day. It is ancient tradition that people visit cemeteries to pray for the dead on 2nd November or during the month of November. 

This is the Catholic reality and origin of Halloween. A far cry from the corrupted secular celebration of “Halloween” (All Hallow’s (saint’s) Eve) that we will see around us this week,, which is a conflation and misunderstanding of these two holy feasts. The “ghosts and ghoulies” originate from the tradition of visiting a graveyard to pray for our loved ones. So if you are going to the trouble of carving out pumpkins and giving out or treats to random children who ring you doorbell with threats to egg your front door, don’t forget to come and pray for your deceased loved ones. An effort with rather better fruits, surely?

Sunday 30th October: 


31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 9.30am Mass for All Saints. Holyday of Obligation

Wednesday 9.30am Mass for All Souls Day.

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 6th November: 
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 22 October 2022

Masses for Sunday 23rd October

The publican went home at rights with God; the pharisee did not.

Sunday 23rd October: 

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  No public Mass today

Tuesday No public Mass today

Wednesday No public Mass today

Thursday  7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 30th October: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 15 October 2022

Masses for 16th October

Sunday 16th October: 

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  No public Mass today

Tuesday No public Mass today

Wednesday No public Mass today

Thursday  No public Mass today

Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Mass (OF)

Sunday 23rd October: 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 8 October 2022

Masses for the 28th Sunday of the year


Sunday 9th October: 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time. 
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

No public weekday Masses during the course of this week.

Sunday 16th October: 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time. 
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 24 September 2022

Masses this Sunday at St Catherine's


Sunday 25th September: 

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Refreshments serves after both Masses in the Pope John Paul Room

Come and join us!

Monday  No public Mass today

Tuesday No public Mass today

Wednesday No public Mass today


Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 2nd October: 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Rosary Sunday
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 17 September 2022

25th Sunday of the Year Masses


Thank you to those who came on the Parish pilgrimage to visit the relics of St Bernadette yesterday.

Praying for those who are sick in body, mind and spirit includes those in mourning. We are offering Mass on Monday morning at 9.30am for all those who mourn, remembering particularly the family of Queen Elizabeth.

Masses at St Catherine's this week

Sunday 18th September: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Monday  9.30am Mass - for those who mourn

Tuesday 12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Wednesday 2.15pm Requiem Mass for Margaret Tully


Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 25th September: 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Relics of St Bernadette


We went as a parish to visit the relics of St Bernadette, presently on tour in the UK, and yesterday at St Mary's Church in Chorley.  we took our petitions, most especially for the sick, to the Saint of Lourdes.
As always, so grateful that so many parishioners came along - about 25 of us. Great turn out considering we are such a small parish.

Pictured here with Fr Grant Maddock, Parish Priest at Lydiate. We had some extra time in church as we stayed behind during the procession to anoint the sick.

The casket containing the relics.

St Mary's, Chorley, is a magnificent building (the actual glorious High Altar, sadly no longer in use for Mass).

Some more photos of giving a flavour of the evening.

Friday 9 September 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Requiscat in pace.


We will offer Mass for the repose of her soul this Sunday at both Mass times.

We will pray for her who has borne the burden of being head of state for all these many years. In this, she is like every Christian.  For the Catholic way is not, at this point, to celebrate her life in a memorial service or to eulogize the departed into an an informal canonization. Rather, we pray for her soul, as we do for all those who have gone before us to stand before the King of Heaven.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.


This Friday, as a parish, we will go on pilgrimage to visit the relics of St Bernadette. The coach leaves at 6pm for St Mary's, Chorley for Mass and candlelight procession with Archbishop Malcolm. There are still a few places left if you want to come along.


Spare a thought also for one of our parishioners, Anthony, who tomorrow, Saturday, is undertaking the "Tough Mudder" assault course and doing this as a sponsored event raising funds for our parish. Thank you, Anthony!


Masses at St Catherine's this week

Sunday 11th September: 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Requiem Mass for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday No public Mass today 

Wednesday No public Mass today 


Friday   9.30am Mass

Saturday   11.30 - 11.50am CONFESSIONS
                  12 noon Traditional Latin Mass

Sunday 18th September: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Saturday 27 August 2022

St. Peter - die internationale Schule für Junge

 Die meisten meiner Leser wissen von meinem Engagement für St Peter’s International College.

Wir sind eine kleine, in mancher Hinsicht einzigartige Schule.

Für das neue Schuljahr, das im September beginnt, sind noch einige Plätze frei.

Jemand, der noch die richtige Schule sucht,

die anders ist als alle anderen,

könnte hier die Antwort auf seine Gebete finden.

Die St. Peter Schule liegt in dem malerischen Dorf St Pierre-de-Maillé in der geschichtsreichen französischen Region Sud-Vienne-Poitou. Sie nimmt Jungen im Alter von 11 bis 18 Jahren auf. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Schüler, die Englisch nicht zur Muttersprache haben, erhalten alle nötige Hilfe, um die Sprache fließend beherrschen zu lernen, was auch immer ihr anfängliches Niveau sein mag. Nach der Schulzeit Englisch perfekt zu beherrschen, ist für diese Schüler einer der großen Pluspunkte von St. Peter. Von Haus aus englischsprachige Schüler hingegen bekommen eine größere Einsicht in andere Kulturen und schließen Freundschaften für’s Leben

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Vielleicht ist unser wichtigstes Merkmal, dass unser Ethos bewusst katholisch ist.

Das mag in der heutigen Welt nicht immer viel bedeuten, aber in St. Peter liegt es wirklich im Kern von allem, was wir tun. Unser grundlegendes Motiv bei ihrer Gründung war, dass die Schule Jungen befähigen soll, in der Welt von heute katholische Männer zu sein.

Im Zentrum jedes Tages steht das Heilige Messopfer, das von unserem hauptamtlichen Kaplan gefeiert wird.

Alle Jungen werden ermutigt zu lernen, am Altar Gottes zu dienen.

Akademische Exzellenz ist ein weiterer großer Treiber für unsere Schule. Kleine Klassenstärken und eine persönliche Atmosphäre ermöglichen es Schülern aller Begabungsspektren, sich zu entfalte

Aber auch außerhalb des Klassenzimmers gibt es reichlich Beschäftigung für die Jungen.

Gemächliches Rudern auf dem nahe gelegenen Fluss Gartempe.

Tennis im Sommer.

Paintball ist immer beliebt, wie Sie sich vorstellen können.

Angeln vor Ort ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich zu entspannen – und Geduld zu lernen!

Lächelnd hier - bis sie in eines der örtlichen Höhlensysteme hinabgestiegen sind!

Natürlich verwendet die Schule Computer, aber deren private Nutzung ist streng begrenzt.

Es spricht vieles für das altmodische Lesen von Bücher

Go-Kart-Fahren lässt Raum für Wettbewerb.

Aber nur zum Spaß... meistens!

Die Jungen erlernen feierlichen Gesang als praktische Fertigkeit für die tägliche Messe. Das ermöglicht uns auch, der Anordnung des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils zu folgen, ihm, einen Ehrenplatz“ einzuräumen.

Kochen ist sehr beliebt… 
fast so sehr wie das anschließende Essen

Eine kleine Weihnachtskrippe, die gebaut wurde, um Passanten an den Glauben zu erinnern.

Wir sind abgehärtet - Shorts im Dezember!

Das Dorf Saint-Pierre-de-Maillé verfügt über eine eigene Musikschule.

Die Schüler werden stets ermutigt, ihre Fertigkeiten zu verbessern.

Die Jungen brauchen an dunklen Winterabenden viel zu tun. Hier wird das Verständnis der Messe durch selbst gebastelte Modelle vertieft.

Die Schule hat das große Glück, einen 9-Loch-Golfplatz in der Nähe zu haben.

Eine weitere Tradition: das Petanque-Spiel.

Wir haben das Glück, eine großartige Beziehung zur örtlichen Stadt zu haben, die die Schule sehr unterstützt hat. Die Jungen nehmen aktiv an lokalen Veranstaltungen teil.


Unser edles Haupthaus, Maison St André,

benannt nach dem Heiligen, der den Ort vor über 200 Jahren gründet hat,

als Kloster, Schule und Krankenhaus.

Und nun wieder eine Schule!

"Mut! Wir arbeiten für den Himmel!"

Und schließlich, klicken Sie hier, 

um ein Wort unseres Schulleiters zu lesen.