Saturday 28 October 2023

All Saints, All Souls and 30th Sunday of the Year.


We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass— the greatest of all prayers— for our deceased loved ones. There are envelopes at the back of church in which you may place the names of any of those you would like to be remembered at Mass during November. 

Each Mass celebrated for the whole of the month of November is offered for them. 

Rooted in Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the perennial teaching of the Church, the offering of Holy Mass has been considered the most efficacious manner of praying for and assisting the souls of our departed loved ones as they journey through the purification of Purgatory. 

Each Mass is, as we know, the re-presentation of the saving sacrifice of Calvary, and, when we specifically ask for Mass to be offered for a deceased loved one, we ask that the merits of that saving sacrifice be applied to the soul of the one we mourn. 

It has been the pious practice of Catholics to list their deceased during the month of November, that Masses be offered for them throughout this particular period—a sign of our ongoing love and concern for those who have gone ahead of us on this pilgrimage of life. 

If you wish any loved ones to share in these benefits, please place your offering for the Masses in the envelope provided at the back of church and return it.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, 

and let perpetual light shine upon them. 

May their souls and the souls 

of all the faithful departed, 

through the mercy of God, 

rest in peace. Amen

Thirtieth Sunday Year A. 29th October

Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Refreshments served after both Masses 
in the Pope John Paul Room. 
Come and join us! 

Monday 9.30am Mass

Tuesday  9.30am Mass

9.30am Mass.
                7pm Mass
Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               Confessions after Mass


Sunday 5th November.
Thirty First Sunday of the Year
Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Saturday 14 October 2023

28th Sunday of the Year


Monday is the Feast of St Margaret Mary

Visionary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Twenty Eighth Sunday Year A. 15th October

Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Refreshments served after both Masses 
in the Pope John Paul Room. 
Come and join us! 

Monday 9.30am Mass

Tuesday  9.30am Mass

Wednesday  9.30am Mass
Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               Confessions after Mass


Sunday 22nd October.
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year
Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Friday 6 October 2023

Twenty Seventh Sunday of the Year


Monday is the Feast of St John Henry Newman;

May he pray for the Church at his time.

Twenty Seventh Sunday Year A. 8th October
Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Refreshments served after both Masses 
in the Pope John Paul Room. 
Come and join us! 

Monday  --- No public Mass today

Tuesday  --- No public Mass today

Wednesday  --- No public Mass today
Thursday --- No public Mass today
Friday --- No public Mass today

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               CONFESSIONS afterwards

Sunday 15th October. 

Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year
Mass at 8.30am & 10am.