Thursday 28 June 2018

Ss Peter and Paul

Masses for the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul
Friday 29th June

9.30am: Mass (said OF)

7pm: Missa Cantata (EF)

Before anyone comments, his cope is white rather than red because even I do not have a full set of miniature copes for the smaller statue!

We will be making the traditional Dedication of England to St Peter at the end of Mass.

O Blessed Prince of Apostles, 
Vicar of Christ, 
Shepherd of the whole flock, 
Rock on whom the Church is built,
we thank the Prince of Pastors,
who in the ages of Faith, 
did bind this country
so sweetly and strongly to thee
and to that holy See of Rome
from which her conversion came.
We praise and bless our Lord
for those steadfast Confessors
who laid down their lives for thy honour and prerogative
in the hour when schism and heresy broke upon the land.
We desire to revive the zeal,
the devotion and the love of ancient days.
We consecrate our country,
as far as in us lies,
fervently and lovingly to thee.
We offer thee our homage.
We renew our loyalty to the Pontiff, thy successor,
who now fills the Apostolic See.
Do thou confirm and strengthen,
by thy powerful intercession,
the faith of the Pastors and people who invoke thee,
save us from apostasy,
from disunion, from religious indifference,
and from the losses to which ignorance 
and temptation expose our little flock. 
O most sincere and most humble penitent,
obtain for us tears of true repentance for our sins,
and a strong personal love
for our Divine Master; 
O Key-bearer of the Heavenly Kingdom,
open to us the gate of Heaven,
that we may enter into the joy of the King of Glory.
Remember this realm of England,
which grew in grace and unity
under thy blessed apostolic influence
for nigh a thousand years.
Pray to Jesus that all may see the 
and be Drought back to thy Fold,
which is the One Fold of Christ.


V. Thou art Peter.
R. And upon this rock I will build My Church.

Let us pray.

Raise us up, we beseech Thee, O Lord, 
by the apostolic might of Thy blessed Apostle, Peter; 
that the weaker we are in ourselves, 
the more powerful may be the assistance 
whereby we are strengthened through his intercession; 
that thus, ever fortified by the protection of Thine 
we may never yield to sin 
nor be overwhelmed by adversity. 
Through Christ our Lord.


Wednesday 13 June 2018

Improve your theology of the Blessed Eucharist

Image result for liverpool eucharistic congress
Eucharistic Conferences 11-14 June 
‘Ego Eimi – It is I’ (John 6:51)

A series of conferences on the Most Holy Eucharist by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, at St Mary's Shrine Church in Warrington, England, in preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool (7-9 Sept. 2018). Each 40-min conference starts at 7:00pm GMT and will be broadcasted live on, and on demand on the same channel.

• Monday 11 June: Transubstantiation: how the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ occur under the externals of bread and wine. Watch it here 
• Tuesday 12 June: Concomitance: how Christ’s Blood also is in the Host, and His Body also in the Chalice. W
atch it here:  
• Wednesday 13 June: Fragments: why each of them is Christ, and how to treasure them. Watch it here: 
• Thursday 14 June: Gradation of the modes of presence of God in His creation: how God’s presence is supreme in the Holy Eucharist. Watch it here

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Fr Seth Phipps FSSP Ordination

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool celebrated Pontifical High Mass for the Ordination of Deacon Seth Phipps to the sacred Priesthood at the Shrine of St Mary in Warrington, Lancashire last Saturday. The Shrine is run by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. It is the second year that the Archbishop has celebrated ordinations there and only the second time ordinations have been conducted in the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite in Great Britain in the last 50 years.

Before Mass stars the Archbishop prays at the Lady Chapel.

Seeing once again the full glory of the Mass in the context of our beautiful and noble traditions reminded me of the breadth of inspiration that the Faith has been in the arts.
Music  -  architecture  -  sculpture  -  art  -  vestments  -  poetry.
All so readily available to us as part of our heritage and a gift to the world and to civilization but sadly so often dismissed in these days. Putting our God-given talents to use in the glory of God and the inspiration of our neighbour is surely such a great service to bolstering our own faith and evangelising others.

The Ordinand, Seth Phipps, trained at the FSSP American Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. He hails from the South West of England and holds a doctorate in Classics from Oxford.

Archbishop Malcolm addresses the ordinand and the congregation.

The Litany of Saints.

The ordinand's hands are bound in service to Almighty God.

When the chasuble is first placed on the newly ordained, it is folded up, only being released at the end of the Mass as the newly ordained is sent out too minister in God's Church.

His Grace, the Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon, O. P.
The Archbishop of Liverpool.

The Sacred Ministers and servers.

The giving of First Blessings by the new priest.
We give thanks to God for another priest to serve His Church and continue to pray for vocations.

You can access many more photographs of the occasion at:

Photographs used here with the kind permission of