St Peter's International College is a school for boys that wants to be truly Catholic and create a truly faithful environment for boys to learn and grow in a healthy way.
"I came that they might have life and have it to the full!"
We are recruiting for this September and are looking for faithful Catholic families to join our small school family. Opening during the Covid pandemic has turned what was always going to be a challenging adventure into a real test of our belief that the the Lord is calling us to create this school in a time when a properly Catholic education is often not always easy to find. We are proud to have come so far in such a short time in turning an abandoned ancient convent into a modern and functioning home for education and formation for Catholic young men from all over Europe. We've a strong motivation to create an academically excellent environment with a family atmosphere where the Lord is part of everyday life.
This post is part of our recruiting drive for new families this year but reflects particularly on that family atmosphere and all the good and ordinary things our boys have enjoyed. The Faith never limits our lives but always enhances them. Catholic boys must grow up in the modern world and be an active part of it - the real vocation of the laity. But that doesn't mean they live some strange monastic life of bygone times. Far from it!
You can examine our school curriculum and facilities at the website:
Saint Peter's International College, France (stpetersfr.com)
and find updates on our Facebook page:
(1) Saint Peter's International College, France | Facebook
and also on Instagram at:
Here some of the boys are getting ready to go caving. It was a tight fit down there for them - and even more so for our Principal who went with them, seeing he's a little larger than they are!
There was a lot of bravado beforehand and a little apprehension as they realized what they were in for. But a real sense of achievement to have done it.
Let's face it, boys enjoy food!
We may fast from meat on Fridays
but the home baked pastries for breakfast each morning
from our chef, Philippe, go down a treat.
Tea being served in the refectory.
Very English here in France.
Teaching the boys to cook
(hopefully with well-washed hands)
The boys are encouraged to read -
yes, actual books instead of from a computer screen.
The riches of classic literature broaden horizons.
The Chaplain is a great devotee of G. K. Chesterton,
so his books are always being quoted in his homilies.
Clever boys can read up to catch him out!
An exotic assortment of evening activities
go on in the clubs.
Here, excavating fossils...
followed by an inevitable dinosaur fight!
A way of learning about the Mass-
make your own priest
along with all he needs to start his own parish...
or his own school chapel!
We've had no serious accidents
but learning some first aid is always useful.
Chess and hot chocolate.
Seems like a good evening to me.
We have been very fortunate since our arrival in being welcomed by the local village and supported by the Mairie. Although the village is small it is an active community and the school takes part in many of it's activities.

Chaplin and boys at one of the many village socail activities.

We are fortunate in having access to a local 9 hole golf course, which the older boys always enjoy.
I think the historical accuracy may be a little off...
Anyone for tennis?
Football pitch and basketball court provide the other mainstays of our sports.
The village of Saint-Pierre-de-Maillé sits on the
River Gartempe,
so kayaking is always a popular afternoon out.
Daily Mass is accompanied by the Church's wealth of beautiful chant, in which the boys are encouraged to take part.
Go-Karting is a favorite
but thank goodness they're not on the real roads yet!
Putting up a crib at the school gates last year.
And another Crib inside.
The games room features pool, table-top football and table tennis.
The boys have a common room to relax in as well.
We have a number of musical talents among the students.
Just a few pictured here.
In fact, there is a music school in the village that facilitates extra lessons.
All the boys are encouraged to learn how to serve at God's altar.
The Mass.
The heart of our day!
Every day!