Saturday 24 April 2021

Fourth Sunday of Eastertide. Good Shepherd Sunday

"The Good Shepherd" by William Dyce.

This Sunday is sometimes called Good Shepherd Sunday 
and is also a special day of prayer 
for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.

25th April 2021
Fourth Sunday of Easter. Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Please note 
that there are no weekday Masses this week.

Fifth Sunday of Easter. Mass at 8.30am & 10am
Vocations Sunday

Friday 16 April 2021

Third Sunday of Eastertide

Reminder that there is also a Requiem Mass 
offered for HRH the Prince Philip 
tomorrow Saturday 17th April at 12 noon.
A simple Missa Cantata in the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite.

Third Sunday of Easter. Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Monday of Eastertide 9.30am Mass

Tuesday of Eastertide:  No Mass today

Wednesday: St Anselm, Bishop & Doctor 9.30am Mass

Thursday of Eastertide 
7pm Novena of the Miraculous Medal & Benediction

Friday:  of Eastertide 9.30am Mass

Saturday:   Confessions 11.30m - 11.50am
12 noon Mass (EF) St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr        

Fourth Sunday of Easter. Mass at 8.30am & 10am
Vocations Sunday

Invocation of Saint George

Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr,

Saint George; Favored by God with the gift of faith,

And inflamed with an ardent love of Christ,

Thou didst fight valiantly against the dragon

Of pride, falsehood, and deceit.

Neither pain nor torture, sword nor death

Could part thee from the love of Christ.

I fervently implore thee for the sake of this love

To help me by thy intercession to overcome

The temptations that surround me,

And to bear bravely the trials that oppress me,

So that I may patiently carry the cross

Which is placed upon me;

And let neither distress nor difficulties separate me

From the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Valiant champion of the Faith,

Assist me in the combat against evil,

That I may win the crown promised to them

That persevere unto the end.


Tuesday 13 April 2021

Requiem Mass for HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

This Saturday 17th April a
Requiem Mass for HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
will be offered at St Catherine's Church
at 12 noon.

A simple Missa Cantata
in the Traditional Form of the Mass (EF)

Monday 12 April 2021

Fund Raising Thank you!

Less than a week ago, we initiated a Justgiving campaign to raise £1,200 for  internet linked TV screens for the classrooms at St Peter's International College. Already we have gone over that initial target - any extra will go towards mobile stands for the screens, so that they can be put to the most flexible usage (we'd forgotten about that bit!)

Just to say a very big 


to those who donated 

or helped to share the page.

Saturday 10 April 2021

Divine Mercy Sunday

 Divine Mercy Sunday 8.30am & 10am

Monday of Eastertide 9.30am Mass

Tuesday:  St Hermenegild, Martyr 12 noon (EF) Mass

Wednesday of Eastertide 9.30am Mass

Thursday of Eastertide 

7pm Novena of the Miraculous Medal & Benediction

Friday of Eastertide 9.30am Mass

Saturday:   Confessions 11.30m - 11.50am

Requiem Mass (EF) 12 noon for the repose of the soul of

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Third Sunday of Easter. Mass at 8.30am & 10am

Friday 9 April 2021

Renewal of Catholic Education: Regina Caeli Academy

Parents looking for a specifically Catholic education will now have a new opportunity for their children in the Northwest of England. The FSSP in Warrington are opening the Regina Caeli Hybrid Academy in Warrington this September in association with their thriving parish there and beautiful church.

You can read about it in their magazine "Dowry" on the last page here: 

The Rector, Fr Armand de Malleray writes:

In 2019, a few families in Bedfordshire took the initiative to bring a successful U.S. model of Classical Catholic education to the U.K. and founded Regina Caeli Academy UK, with pastoral support from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. In its second year, the number of families using the Academy has already doubled, with more families joining and moving to the area this year in anticipation of September 2021. Full details about Regina Caeli Academy, including an introductory video, fees, timetables and curriculum, are available at

Given the growing community in Warrington, and answering demand from local parents, we would very much like to start a centre at St Mary’s Warrington, with God’s help, from September 2021. The Academy offers a full Classical Curriculum, completely grounded on the magisterium of the Catholic Church, and a community of Catholic families. Trained, paid teachers provide two days per week of on-site tuition. For the other days of the week, comprehensive study plans are provided for parents to follow with their children. Parents benefit from structure, accountability and community, and their children gain Catholic friends for life.

Over the past 18 years, thousands of children have been educated with this curriculum in the U.S., so parents can be confident that it is a tried and tested system of Catholic education which results in robust qualifications, a lifelong love of learning and, most importantly, a deep-rooted faith.

If you are a parent who is interested in the Warrington RCA for your own children, please email Michael and Aileen Seymour, the Warrington coordinators of Regina Caeli Academy: giving your contact details and your children’s ages/current school years. Alternatively, if you would like to apply for the Warrington RCA, please fill out the application form at:

If you are a teacher who wants to work in such a Catholic environment, or have administrative skills that could help shape the Academy, please also contact us as above. We don’t need financial assistance to start up, but you could certainly also help us with prayer, in particular to the now Venerable Mother Elizabeth Prout, foundress of the female branch of the Passionists who used to run St Mary’s School in Warrington. Any financial support will be gratefully received by Regina Caeli Academy: please contact in advance Regina Caeli Academy UK: (please note that the FSSP does not presently collect donations in connection with this project).

To allow us to plan the expected opening, we need to know by 1st May 2021 how many children will start with us in September.

Please be sure to contact us long before that deadline. Lastly, please share this information far and wide now. Thank you on behalf of many children – and their parents!

Thursday 8 April 2021

Can you help?

I've created a Justgiving page to help raise funds for this project at St Peter's School. St Peter's is an International School dedicated first and foremost to educating pupils as Catholics but to do this in the modern world means educating them with the necessary skills to live their Faith in a very challenging secular environment: up to date technology is an important part of this, so we want to install a TV screen in each of our classrooms, which can then be linked up to the internet. As we've all found, more important than ever in these times. In continuity with the school's dedication to St Peter, our classrooms are each named after one of his successors. 

The school is run by the PETRUS fondation pour l’enseignement international, a charitable Association registered with the French state under the law 1901.

Read more of our school's story of setting up during the Covid 19 lockdown at:

and at: 

As you may imagine, starting up in these times especially, has been quite a challenge, so every little helps, as the saying goes. Thank you to anyone who might be able to contribute and please feel free to share. God keep you.


This was one of the classrooms when we started!

And to prove yours truly has been mucking in and doing his bit...
(My cassock was in the wash, by the way)

And where the TV screens will be going now.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Easter Sunday and Easter Week

 Please note that there are two opportunities for you to attend Easter Mass. Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 8.30am

Holy Saturday

The Easter Vigil 

& First Mass of Easter at 8pm

Easter Sunday. 8.30am Easter Mass

Monday of the Easter Octave 9.30am

Tuesday of the Easter Octave 12 noon (EF)

Wednesday of the Easter Octave 9.30am

Thursday of the Easter Octave 

7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday of the Easter Octave 9.30am

Saturday of the Easter Octave Confession 11.30m - 11.50am

Mass (EF) 12 noon

Divine Mercy Sunday 8.30am & 10am

2021 Easter Message 

from the Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP 

Archbishop of Liverpool 

 The events of the first Easter morning began quietly, in stark contrast to the violence and baying crowds which accompanied the crucifixion on Good Friday. Mary Magdalen went to the tomb early in the morning on the first day of the week – while it was still dark – while it was quiet with no people around and none of the hustle and bustle of Jerusalem, the busy city. Things began to change when she saw that the stone had been rolled away, she ran to Simon Peter and the disciple John saying, ‘they have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid him’. The disciples ran to the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, they believed. 

Mary though was not joyful, she did not have hope, she stood outside the empty tomb weeping asking where the body of Jesus had been taken. Yet as she recognised the risen Jesus her life was transformed moving from darkness to light, from sorrow to joy and from despair to hope. 

For over a year now we have been living under the darkness of the pandemic, just as the light of the Risen Christ is always with us so we have seen light in that darkness through the bravery, generosity and kindness of others. The light offered to us by the heroes of our NHS, carers, and all who have worked to keep our country going. 

Easter is always a time of reawakening and this year as a country we are approaching our own reawakening. Our villages, towns and cities have been quiet, but they are slowly and cautiously coming back to life. We are seeing hope through the vaccine, developed through the gifts of science, giving us hope for a better and safer future. 

There have been times of grief, loss, doubt and despair during the dark days, and we hold in prayer all who have suffered. We bring those times to our celebration of the resurrection which begins in darkness in our churches with the lighting of the Easter Candle symbolising the risen Christ. A life-giving light overcoming the darkness, bringing healing to a broken world. 

Just as the lives of Mary Magdalen and the disciples were transformed on the first Easter morning so too our lives may be transformed as we embrace the light of the Risen Lord who sheds his peace on all humanity. 

May God bless us all on this glorious Easter Day.