Friday 26 May 2023
Pentecost Sunday
Saturday 20 May 2023
May Crowning on the Seventh Sunday of Easter
Together with children from our school and this year's recent First Communicants we will honour Our Blessed Lady this Sunday at 10am.
The Christian people have always attested to Mary's exalted glory as a sharer in Christ's royalty. Like him, it is hers by birth (as Mother of the King) and by right of conquest (as his faithful co-worker in the Redemption). Our Lord has placed in her hands the superabundant merits He gained by his death on the Cross, so that she might distribute them according to God's Will.
Saturday 13 May 2023
Sixth Sunday of Eastertide and the Ascension
ASCENSION THURSDAY: HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION. Holy days of obligation are feast days on which we are required to attend Mass and to avoid (to the extent that they are able) servile work. The observance of Holy Days of Obligation is part of the Sunday Duty, the first of the Precepts of the Church, and are listed in Canon 1246 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Holy Days of Obligation are days other than Sundays on which we are required to participate in the Mass, the primary form of worship. Any feast celebrated on a Sunday, such as Easter, falls under normal Sunday Duty and thus isn't included in a list of Holy Days of Obligation.
What Is an Obligation? A lot of people misunderstand what it means to say that Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This isn't an arbitrary rule, but part of general moral life—the need to do good and avoid evil. That is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Para. 2041) describes the obligations listed in the Precepts of the Church as "the very necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor." These are things that, as Christians, Catholics should want to do anyway; the Church uses the Precepts of the Church (of which the listing of Holy Days of Obligation is one) simply as a way to remind adherents of the need to grow in holiness.
Friday 5 May 2023
Fifth Sunday of Eastertide & Coronation celebrations
The first Coronation in Westminster Abbey.
Harold Godwinson is crowned King by Stigand,
Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1066.
He was not a terribly virtuous churchman!