Tuesday 29 May 2018

Corpus Christi Mass

Missa Cantata 
for the 
Feast of Corpus Christi.

Light refreshments 
in the Pope John Paul Room to follow.

We will also be keeping it on Sunday.

8.30am - said Mass

10am - Solemn Mass

11.30am Low Mass (EF)

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Summer Conference at Chavagnes College

Europe and the Faith : 
an inter-disciplinary Catholic conference
30th July to 3rd August 2018

Joseph Pearce will be the Keynote Speaker  -  “The Catholic vision of JRR Tolkien”  -  at the Summer Conference in Chavagnes, France, this year. Now in its third year, the Conference has proved to be a lively and interesting event in a convivial atmosphere, with daily Mass and visits to local places of Catholic interest. 

Although in France (Nantes is the nearest airport) the Conference talks take place in English (which is also the language in which the College and Studium teach their secondary and tertiary students.)

JOSEPH PEARCE is a senior fellow at The Cardinal Newman Society and editor of its journal. He is a senior contributor at The Imaginative Conservative and senior editor at the Augustine Institute. Up until recently, Director of the Center for Faith and Culture at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee he was previously on the staff of Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Merrimack, New Hampshire,  Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti, Michigan and at Ave Maria University in Ave Maria, Florida. His books include biographical works on C.S. Lewis, Shakespeare, Tolkien, Chesterton, Wilde, Solzhenitsyn and Belloc. He is a visiting professor for the Studium’s new Liberal Arts degree being launched in September 2018.

Pontifical High Mass from one of the previous Conferences.

"A man’s view of himself is not an “aspect:” it is a comprehension. Now then, so it is with us who are of the Faith and the great story of Europe. A Catholic as he reads that story does not grope at it from without, he understands it from within. He cannot understand it altogether because he is a finite being; but he is also that which he has to understand. The Faith is Europe and Europe is the Faith.”                                                                                                                                              Hilare Belloc

You can find out more about the Conference (which is very reasonably priced and will also provide transport to and from Nantes Airport) - as well as an online booking form at:

The College is set in the beautiful countryside of the French Vendée.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider speaking at a previous Conference.

The Little Office of Our Lady being sung in the Baudouin Chapel.

A convivial evening in the gardens.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Pilgrimage for the English Martyrs

It was a beautiful sunny day for the pilgrims walking from St Walburge's to the Shrine of the English Martyrs in Preston yesterday. I walked with the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King along with a small group of parishioners from the parish here at St Catherine's.

The procession was led by a bier on which was carried relics of the martyrs.

The witness of the English and Welsh Martyrs should be a great inspiration to us today to give witness to the Faith. Among other things, they gave their lives for the celebration of the Mass, which seems to sit so lightly with so many Catholics today. Of course, the manner of celebrating the Mass needs to reflect its dignity, power and the glorious sacrifice of Calvary. When its celebrated in a way that doesn't speak of that, we can hardly expect people to think of dying for it, let alone giving up their Sunday shopping or the football to attend it. Fortunately, the Mass yesterday spoke of all that it should be to inspire our wonder.

Some of the Sisters from the newly established convent also walked with us - 
and sang beautifully at the Mass.

Great witness to the Faith walking through the streets of Preston.

Arriving at the Shrine.



The Altar to the English Martyrs.

Wonderful  photographs 
used with kind permission of Michael Durnam.

It was lovely to hear the Sisters singing at the Mass, as well as the Octavius singers.
Organist David Scott-Thomas treated to a magnificent rendition of Vierne's Westminster Carillon at the end, while everyone came to the altar rails to venerate the relics.

A version here to listen to.