Juventutem London kindly invited me to celebrate Mass and preach at their monthly Mass at St Mary, Moorfields, in London last Friday. An interesting church as, small though it is, it was once the Pro-Cathedral! It was good to see that young people in London are getting together to support one another and to pray the Traditional liturgy together. They have an active ministry praying the rosary together at Tyburn and outside an abortion clinic. Good for them! My thanks to Frs Andrew Southwell and Simon Leaworthy (assisting as Deacon and Subdeacon) for guiding me around an unfamiliar sanctuary (which always brings my nerves to the fore!)
Thanks also to the Dominicans at the fabulous church at St Dominic's Priory at Haverstock Hill for their kind hospitality in putting me up for a couple of days while I caught up with friends in London.
Holy Mass being offered on the beautifully restored Lady Altar at the Dominican Priory.
There are at fifteen other side chapels - one for each mystery of the Rosary!
A view of the nave at the Priory.
Mass being offered at the high Altar of the Priory Church.
(Photos of the Priory by Fr Lawrence Lew OP lifted from Godzdogz site -
hope you don't mind, Fr Lawrence.)
Thanks also to the Dominicans at the fabulous church at St Dominic's Priory at Haverstock Hill for their kind hospitality in putting me up for a couple of days while I caught up with friends in London.
There are at fifteen other side chapels - one for each mystery of the Rosary!

(Photos of the Priory by Fr Lawrence Lew OP lifted from Godzdogz site -
hope you don't mind, Fr Lawrence.)
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