Sunday, 5 February 2012

First Solemn High Mass at the Shrine of Ss Peter and Paul

For the Feast of the Purification the Shrine Church of Ss Peter and Paul and St Philomena in New Brighton on the Wirral thrilled to the sights and sounds of Solemn High Mass for the first time in many years. Mass was offered at the Lady Chapel as the High altar is not yet in use.The main altar will formally be brought back into use for the Feast of the Annunciation in an "official" opening of the Shrine. With characteristic self-effacement the Rector of the Shrine, Canon Meney, stood aside to assist with the chant while Fr Ian O'Shea of the Archdiocese of Liverpool was celebrant. Fr Francis Wadsworth of Salford Diocese was Deacon and Abbé Cosme Montjean of the Institute was Subdeacon.

Here are some photos, courtesy of Canon Meney. You can see in some of them the poor state of repair of the fabric of the church, which the Institute is working to bring back into good order.

You can request their weekly bulletin by e-mail at: newbrighto​

Their regular Sunday Mass is at 11.30am and is easily accessible from the nearby New Brighton rail station. The church is on Atherton Street.


misericordia said...

The e-mail address is

Fr Simon Henry said...

Apologies I left out the @. I have corrected it on the post. It is: newbrighto​