Saturday 8 August 2020

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year


We restarted public Masses last week but numbers were about half of what we might have expected on a usual Sunday. This seems to be the experience of others who have opened up as well. Not surprising as many will still be shielding for various reasons and others will not have heard that we are open again. Though I fear that there will be a number who have gotten out of the habit and may never return to Sunday Mass. We shall see. 

In the light of the numbers, we are reducing to two Masses, which still leaves plenty of space for the social distancing rules in place. So please make a note that for the time being - Sundays in Covid time, as it were, our Masses will be at 8.30am and 10am only. Actually our 10am Mass was particularly prayerful with just the Latin chant being sung (properly distanced and shielded) by a cantor, very calm and gentle. 

For all the difficulties and tragedies of this time, we trust in the Lord, hearing his words in the Gospel:

Courage! Do not be afraid!

1 comment:

Jim Pennington said...

Don't be discouraged, Father: here in Prescot we had few the first week, but rather more in the second, so Father Rowlands opened up more of the church for the third, and it seemed to be fairly well filled this morning. Pity you can't keep up the EF Mass. though, but who knows?

Would like to visit you again myself, but I am rather less keen on travelling these days.

God bless
Jim P