Friday 28 August 2020

Sunday 30th August. 22nd Sunday of the Year.

Matt 16:21-27

If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself, take up his cross and follow me.

These words from the Gospel of St Matthew this Sunday seem particularly apt on a societal scale in these times. Our Lord walks with us but let us also minister to one another, as kind souls did for him: Veronica with her cloth and Simon with his strength, Mary Magdalene with her tears and John with his steadfastness. And of course, Our Lady with her Immaculate and loving Heart.

Our public Masses remain suspended for the moment at St Catherine's but let us pray for one another.

1 comment:

David O'Neill said...

We. pray that your isolation may soon end & that you are restored to your full parish duties