Monday 10 March 2014

This is a tremendously beautiful experience

I discovered this homily over at the LMS Wrexhan blog.  On March 1, 2014 Archbishop Alexander Sample of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the Brigittine Monastery "Our Lady of Consolation" in Amity, Oregon. The Mass was the crowning celebration of a 3-day conference on Gregorian Chant and the role of sacred music in the liturgy. Filmed and Edited by Marc Salvatore.

Speaking of offering the Traditional Mass Archbishop Sample says, "This is a tremendously beautiful experience."  he says that as a bishop his thoughts were, "I am a bishop: I must know this rite."

"The reform (of the Second Vatican Council) had gone off track and needed to be reconnected with the Church's past, with Her Tradition; with the beauty of this liturgy. This liturgy is ancient, ancient!"

It's quite a long sermon but well worth listening to - if only for the novelty value hearing a bishop say in public what is the plain teaching of the Church about the Traditional Form of the Mass, about Gregorian Chant and the eastward orientation of the Mass.


Clement said...

I attended a Latin mass this morning. Latin is not a problem for me but it confirmed my view that whilst it has a place it has little relevance for the vast majority of catholics.

Chloe said...

Have you spoken to the vast majority of Catholics? And how can the Mass of at least 1500 years worth of Catholic saints be of little relavence to them?