Thursday 28 June 2012

Summer Garden Party

"The Garden Party" by Karl Scheninger, Jr.

I was away last week and so didn't post much and will be busy the next few days as well.  Not only is it the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul on Friday (one of the few Holydays of Obligation left to us - Masses at [OF] 9.30am and Low Mass [EF] 7pm) but on Sunday at 3pm we are having a Garden Party in the church grounds to raise funds for the local Hospice - also by chance called St Catherine's but named after St Catherine of Sienna (the Hospice, like so many, was started by a Catholic lady who had a devotion to her).  A number of our parishioners have had excellent care there in the past.  All the usual fun to be had, so come along if you live nearby.

There will be a Sung Mass in Latin (Novus Ordo) at 2pm before the Garden Party arranged for those travelling but everyone is welcome to come along

Anyone any ideas for a Saint to intercede for fine weather?


Adrienne said...

St Scholastica would be a good choice.

P Standforth said...

Given the Summer so far, I think your best bet is St. Jude.

Dominic Maria said...

St. Swithun?