Tuesday 26 June 2012

Breaking News

Embargoed until today comes the news that Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds has been appointed to be Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship & the Discipline of the Sacraments.  He is "surprised and not a little shocked" at the news.

Since 2002 Bishop Roche has been Chairman of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy and thus has been heavily involved in the work of implementing the new translation.


Jozef said...

Interesting, he must be one of the few members of the CDW who doesn't celebrate the Traditional Mass!

Et Expecto said...

I believe that he has been learning.

Sixupman said...

Who for Leeds? Another +Davies?

Genty said...

Jolly good.

Mainwaring said...

Let us hope his replacement will be more favourable to traditional Catholics in Leeds.

Shrewsbury diocese abuts Liverpool. A bon entendeur, salut.