Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Vigil

Some images from the Easter Vigil. As I suspected, although the Vigil and Mass were much appreciated by those present, the numbers were not all that might have been hoped for after such good turnouts at Holy Thursday and Good Friday. However, on Easter morning there was a full church for the OF Mass and about fifty at the Missa Cantata. It was good to see quite a number of young families there as well all over Holy Week. (I don't know what happened last year but we've had quite a number of new babies in the parish - from families that actually come to Mass, that is, rather than the usual stream of lapsed Catholics who turn up wanting a baby "Christened" and even if they come for a while, are never seen again after the Baptism.)

We were late starting the Missa Cantata, as a lady in the congregation suffered a heart attack just before Mass. Providentially, two nurses were also there who revived her and administered CPR until the ambulance arrived, thereby saving here life, as her heart had stopped. She is expected to make a full recovery, so thanks to the medics - both on and off duty. Certainly no shortage of what to say in the homily about coming back to life!

I know it still looks like daylight but it's not! I had looked ahead at the times of sundown and started 15 minutes afterwards - there is a good flash facility on the camera.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will be asking if this is EF or OF.
We follow Pope Benedict's lead at St Catherine's and try to make sure that there's continuity between the two. That's to say, the new should not be unrecognisable as being connected to the old.


Fr said...

Lovely - that particular design of paschal candle seems to be the most popular this year as it looks like one ought to.

Where did you manage to get hold of such a magnificent brass follower/cap? I bought a brass conical one that seems to sag to one side and drip wax after being lit for anything over an hour.

With prayers for your Parishioner's recovery...

Fr Simon Henry said...

Dear Fr,
The brass cap for the candle came from Hayes and Finch. They seem to be new this year.