As you can see from the photo above the church dominates the skyline in New Brighton and although it is in need of much work inside, having been damaged by water ingress, the sanctuary and fittings are all in tact and as a liturgical space is more than fitting for either form of the Roman Rite.
Fr Olivier hails from France originally but has been working in the USA. I received a very friendly welcome and I think he will make a good impression on the good folk of New Brighton and of the Shrewsbury Diocese. I understand that part of the plan is to make Ss Peter and Paul's a centre of Eucharistic devotion and adoration.
I think that most of the dioceses in the UK have some representation from the "new movements" in the Church who are growing and attracting vocations as part of the"New Evangelisation" that the Holy Father is encouraging. These are many and varied but all of them characterised by an orthodox outlook - linked very often to a strong Eucharistic devotion and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Church. I say 'most of the dioceses in this country' but sadly, I'm not aware of any here in my own Archdiocese of Liverpool...
What a lovely church! I think that the Institute will make great use of it, and we're looking forward to visiting. They have a good track record with re-opening churches that have been virtually abandoned - both ICKSP parishes near us in France were semi-derelict before they were taken over and re-opened. The beauty of this is that, as with Ss Peter and Paul, they've been left intact and unspoiled. Does Father (Canon?) Olivier Meney have an idea of how long the essential works will take before they can "open"?
No representation in Hexham & Newcastle by any of the Traditional Orders. Episcopal antagonism? I couldn't possibly comment!
Bishop Davies a breath of fresh air, pray that he is not smothered by his confreres in the Bishops@ Conference or the Eccleston Square mafia!
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