18/01/2011 Press release Issued by the Catholic Communications Network
Become One Body One Spirit in Christ - interactive DVDThe forthcoming new translation of the Roman Missal will offer the Church in England and Wales an opportunity to deepen its understanding and celebration of the Eucharist. A key resource for catechesis is the interactive DVD Become One Body One Spirit in Christ which has recently been published by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
The DVD has been produced by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy to assist individuals and parishes to explore the Church’s teaching on the Mass and discover the riches of the new translation. There are over six hours of video on the DVD featuring experts from around the world talking about many aspects of the liturgy. This includes insights into the process of translation and commentaries on the texts, reflections on liturgical ministry — ordained and lay, and sections on music and the liturgical environment.
Bishop Arthur Roche, bishop of Leeds and chairman of the Department for Christian Life and Worship said:
“Become One Body One Spirit in Christ is an excellent resource for communities and individuals to learn about and be inspired by the Mass. The Mass is at the heart of what it means for us to be Catholic and this interactive DVD will help people uncover the riches that Eucharist offers us. The in-depth exploration of the Order of Mass will be of great benefit to people as we prepare for the forthcoming new translation. I am very grateful to all who have contributed to the DVD: bishops, scholars, liturgists and pastors and to Frayneworks for creating such an engaging and imaginative resource.”
However, the above mentioned Bishop Roche has written that
"Although the interactive resource is called a DVD it cannot be used in a DVD player. It requires a computer to access the material."Well, that's cleared up that confusion!
Maybe it loses somthing in the translation!!!!!
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