Saturday 1 April 2023

Palm Sunday


Sunday 2nd April.
Palm Sunday. Year A.
Mass at 8.30am & 10am. 

Refreshments served after both Masses 
in the Pope John Paul Room.
Come and join us!

Preparation session on 
Monday 3rd April at 4.30pm 
in the Pope John Paul Room.

Please note the times of the Holy Week liturgies.
In particular that the main Mass of Easter is on Saturday evening
with just the 8.30am Mass on Easter Day.

Monday  9.30am Mass

Tuesday 9.30am Mass

Spy Wednesday 9.30am Mass
Holy Thursday  
7.30pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
Confessions following Mass
Watching at the Altar of Repose concluding with Night Prayer at 9.30pm
Good Friday
3pm Passion of the Lord & Veneration of the Cross
Confessions afterwards
Holy Saturday 
8pm THE Easter Mass of Christ's Resurrection
Light refreshment celebration in the hall afterwards

Easter Sunday 
Year A.
Mass at 8.30am.

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