Photo taken at my Silver Jubilee of Ordination
In light of the recent Rescript from Rome the Traditional Latin Mass will be ceasing here at St Catherine's with a final Mass this Saturday at 12 noon.
Following Traditiones Custodes last year the Archbishop had granted a generous dispensation for all the previous Mass times we had to continue: twice during the week and a Sunday Mass.
Although we have some who travel in from outside the parish (as is true for the Ordinary Form Mass here, for those who find its chant, ad orientem and reverence appealing) many of those who attend are parishioners who happily come to both forms. They and I are saddened that it will have to come to an end for now until happier times arrive.
Archbishop Malcolm contacted me personally, for which I thank him, to inform me of what he obviously thinks a necessary step under the orders from Rome. I do not believe it is a step he would have taken had he not felt obliged to do so under the rules now in place. I pray that those rules will change in the future and I have faith in God's Church that they will.
I will continue to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass where the present rules allow (that is, in any place outside a parish church) and the Archbishop encouraged me to do so.
I am at a loss to understand the logic behind the restrictions the TLM now has to endure. To my mind prayer of any sort, especially in a form which fed the souls of millions - including an army of saints - for hundreds of years. should be joyously encouraged. Honestly, Why wouldn't you? as a modern adage has it.
An old adage comes to mind... Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
There is some comment in the Catholic Herald.

Apropos of nothing, here's a song a like.
for KING & COUNTRY - It's Not Over Yet (Official Audio) - YouTube
What a great shame! How can a celebration of Holy Mass which was celebrated for so many centuries suddenly become wrong? I worry about those who give councel to the Pope so that he acts in this totally ridiculous manner. How our priests from HenryVIII's time be concerned for the faith of modern Catholics. IMHO this will lead more & more into the arms of the SSPX.
Dear Father,
Sorry that this evil has befallen you and your parishioners.
Francis is working much wickedness. He and those who support him in this destruction will answer to God for it.
May God protect all who seek Him.
in Christ,
Fr James M
Dear Father Simon,
My wife and I are dismayed at this unholy decision. How can any Mass be surplus to requirements or superfluous? in my opinion, Pope Francis is working for Satan, even if he does not realise it. And I believe Pope Francis is deliberately sowing confusion. I do not hear any Biblical truth coming out of the Vatican. But the Bible tells us this : that God is not to be mocked and also that He is not a God of confusion.
God willing, Elizabeth and I will see you this Saturday at the 12 o'clock Latin Mass.
Fr.Simon, you are in our prayers.
Colin & Elizabeth Stewart.
Dear Father Simon,
My wife and I are dismayed at this unholy decision. How can any Mass be surplus to requirements or superfluous? in my opinion, Pope Francis is working for Satan, even if he does not realise it. And I believe Pope Francis is deliberately sowing confusion. I do not hear any Biblical truth coming out of the Vatican. But the Bible tells us this : that God is not to be mocked and also that He is not a God of confusion.
God willing, Elizabeth and I will see you this Saturday at the 12 o'clock Latin Mass.
Fr.Simon, you are in our prayers.
Colin & Elizabeth Stewart.
What indescribable cruelness from Pope Francis. What father willingly starves his children? Does he even fear God for what he is doing?
We are children in a family with an abusive father. He has taken our bread and is giving us a stone. Yes, every Mass is a true Mass, but for what reason has this beautiful and life-giving Traditional Latin Mass been removed from us? As a Catholic convert of 35 years standing, I understood the Mass in English and was grateful to be present, but it was only when I attended my first Latin Mass that the full impact of this tremendous and awesome Sacrifice really came home to me. I had tears rolling down my cheeks on that occasion, and the sense of awe and gratitude has never left me. How can a father deprive his children of this nourishment? Satan has truly entered into the heart of the Church.
To put aside the huge spiritual harms of these actions for a moment, I wonder if the practical harms, such as the loss of collection money, have been considered by the Bishop and other Bishops acting in the same way?
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