Saturday 4 June 2022

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and Pentecost Sunday


We are celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee this Pentecost Sunday. 

Celebratory refreshments after each Mass - the usual cakes and homemade sausage rolls but also a special Jubilee cake and your Parish Priest's attempt at the Jubilee Trifle! 

The 10 am Mass will be filled with beautiful music and chant - see the poster below.

The special music we will be blest with at the 10am Mass today is a reminder of how fortunate we are to have Anthony Dickinson at the helm for parish music, providing this great service to the Church. There can be few parishes about where the call of the Second Vatican Council in the area of sacred music is so well carried out. We sing the Mass, rather than sing at Mass. That means using the texts of the Missal and the rich heritage of some of the most beautiful music ever composed, in accordance with the Council’s injunction that Gregorian chant should be given pride of place and that the organ is the principle instrument to be used in church. It is a work of the Holy Spirit moving among us that we should give great thanks for.

Masses at St Catherine's this week

Sunday 5th June. Pentecost Sunday (Year C) 

and the celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Mass at 8.30am & 10am.

There are no public Masses during the course of this week.

Sunday12th June. Trinity Sunday  (Year C)
Mass at 8.30am & 10am

1 comment:

Father Gregory said...

Very good, dear Father! A blessed Pentecost to you and your people from your American confreres in the SLJ!