Saturday 11 July 2020

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year

The Parable of the Sower
Dear Friends,

The parable of the Sower in this week's Gospel reminds us all that we need to prepare the ground of our soul to receive God's grace. The Sacraments, Prayer and living according to the Gospel and the Precepts of the Church are the ways in which we can do this.

When it comes to reopening our church for Mass, preparing the ground is also important and the Archdiocese has in force strict regulations before this can happen.

Unfortunately, many parishes are - for various reasons - still not opening for public Mass.

We now have all the necessary PPE to prepare the church building and for the volunteers who must assist with each Mass.

However, we do not have enough volunteer stewards for us to go ahead with this. We need stewards at the door to direct people in and to monitor social distancing and we need one or two more to cleanse the church after each Mass (disinfecting door handles, light switches, benches etc.) Each volunteer will be provided with an identifying lanyard, a face visor, gloves and plastic apron. To open we still need some more volunteers to do this for each Mass but, especially for the 10am and 11.30am Masses.

Until all the equipment is in place and we have the volunteers, I cannot submit the form to the Archdiocese to seek approval for re-opening.

Going by anecdotal evidence, the few parishes that have opened up have found that there are still many people not in the position to begin attending again, though the rule remains that you should not seek out parishes other than your own to attend, as this might overwhelm their capacity. The Archbishop still has in force the emergency suspension of the Obligation to attend Sunday Mass, so no-one falls in to sin by being unable to attend.

However, we should all do something to keep the Sabbath day holy; perhaps by taking part as best we can in an online Mass, by keeping a tie of family prayer, by reading and reflecting on the Scripters of the day, by setting aside time for private prayer, spiritual reading or praying the Rosary.

You may have seen televised Masses from elsewhere but other dioceses have differing protocols.

I am disappointed that still we cannot open for public Mass but only two churches in this Deanery have so far been able to do so and only two in the neighboring Chorley Deanery, so many parishes are finding it difficult.

I hope that you all remain well and I know that many of you are helping one another.

May God grant us the grace an patience to make the best use of these difficult times and I pray that we will as soon as possible be reunited before the Real Presence Of Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass very soon.


When we can open, here are some of the rules which will be in force:


A reminder that when we do open, those who are socially self-isolating must continue to do so.

Those who are able might be encouraged to gather on a weekday rather than a Saturday evening or
Sunday, to release the pressure on weekend Masses.

Social distancing guidelines are still in force. One metre.

Ever second bench will be roped off and distanced seating arranged on the remaining benches.

Church doors and windows should be left open.

Volunteer stewards are required to be on hand to direct hand sanitising on arriving and leaving, to
direct people to benches and to encourage worshippers to maintain reasonable social distancing.

Votive candles may be lit (but only from a lit candle.)

Single use newsletters, Mass sheets, or other papers may be used but must be taken home. Please bring a Missal if you have one.

Only the priest should be on the sanctuary – without deacons, servers, readers etc. 

There will be no Sign of Peace.

There should be no handshakes or hugs etc. after services.

Collections should be in a basket on the way in and the way out.

Lingering clusters of conversation in the porch or outside the church are to be avoided.

Volunteers are required to sanitise bench surfaces and doors etc. after each Mass. That may mean
the number of Masses needs to reduced.

To avoid volunteers having to sanitise toilets after each individual use, they must remain closed and
only be used in a genuine emergency.

You will enter by the main door but leave by the emergency exit in the Confessional Room.

There will be no refreshments after Mass.

Communal singing is not allowed.

You must wear a face mask.

HOLY COMMUNION is not allowed to be distributed during Mass.


A reminder that although our own church cannot yet open, there are churches nearby you can  visit for private prayer. Please contact them to see if this is possible.


Your Mass intentions will still be offered as requested and you may continue to send them in.  Mass is offered each day for all who live in the parish and for all our intentions each day.

Your Prayers are asked for all the sick, including: Rita Sarbrick, Rosena Stacey, Vivienne Lee, Tom Miller, Paul Casey, Linda Melling, Tilly Gee, Kathleen Ward, Clare Butler, Maureen MacDonald, Louie Baines, Maureen O'Brien, Margaret McNiff, Elle Miller, Mark Duncan, Hild Gibbons, Bill Sutton, Barbara Fow, Mary Ann Monaghan, Bernard Lawson, Mick Marshall, Carol Parkinson, Margaret Cheston, Eric Neilson, Alan Cottam, Seámus McLoughlin.

We pray for those who are housebound and for those who love  and care for them. 
O Mary conceived without sin - Pray for us who have recourse to thee.


If you would like to pray through the Mass online or via TV here are some links below. Some people find it a way of preparing in some fitting way to make a Spiritual Communion in these times when the actual Mass is not available:

If you have access to Facebook, the beautiful little church of Corpus Christi on Maiden Lane in London has Mass each day. 

Also on Facebook, the Canons at St Walburge's in Preston stream many Masses and Devotions:

If you have Sky TV or you can also access EWTN at:
With many other programmes that you might find useful.

The Oratorians at Cardiff:
The Fathers of the Fraternity of St Peter also stream their Masses and devotions from Warrington St Mary's at: 

You can even join in Mass live from Westminster Cathedral:


Please do continue to keep in touch via our Parish Facebook page and my blog. I continue to be in touch with parishioners via phone calls and emails.

May I ask that, if you are able, please continue to put aside your weekly offering each Sunday and bring it with you when things return to some normality. If you would like a Standing Order form, please contact me. 

You may also use the Archdiocesan website to contribute to the parish online by going to:
God keep you,

Fr Simon.

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