Friday 10 April 2020

Good Friday

 The Relic of the True Cross enshrined on the altar,
before which I will pray for all our parishioners today.

Behold, the wood of the Cross,
on which was hung the Saviour of the World.
O Come, let us adore.

Prayer to be added to the Good Friday Intercessions:
For those suffering from the current pandemic.

Let us pray, dearly beloved,  to God the Father almighty,  that he may extend his hand in mercy  to all those affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Almighty ever-living God, heal those who are ill, comfort those who mourn, give solace to all who are afraid and alone, and protect those who are providing medical care. Make us instruments of your peace  among our brothers and sisters. In your mercy, alleviate our fears  and eliminate this scourge, so that we may come together again  to give you praise and to build your Kingdom. 
Through Christ our Lord.


The statue of St Veronica holding the veil in our church grounds.

1 comment:

David O'Neill said...

God Bless you Fr Simon & your parishioners & members of our Order. Please remember us in your Masses & prayers as we will remember you in ours. A Happy Easter & good health.