Thursday 30 March 2017

The Traditional Latin Mass

Some of you may have seen this on Facebook but I thought I'd post it here as well.
Thanks to  Incarnation Catholic Church in Tampa, FL. and to Two Sense Films.
(And yes, I know that strictly speaking, it should not be called the "Tridentine" Mass but we all know what that shorthand refers to.)


philipjohnson said...

Fr.You are so right in your assessment of todays lax lustre following of The Faith.I attended,in my Parish in Newport,Shropshire,a meeting about the Mission of The Church.Do you know what the outcome was?The,mainly,elderly attendees spoke about the need for togetherness,and welcoming and precious little ,if anything,about spreading the essential Truths of The Catholic Faith.I may as well have been in a social club somewhere,or the local Baptist Meeting Place.My Priest was little better either.No wonder the young aren't bothered!Lord oh Lord.

David O'Neill said...

Why o why cannot every parish have the facility of the EF Mass? It is, probably, because too few of our bishops do not promote it. They seem to either ignore the ideas of Pope Benedict that this Mass can improve the OF Mass & those of us who are fortunate to have priests celebrate the EF Mass for us realise what the OF congregations are missing. The fact that priest & people face the Lord means that we are not in what a priest friend once called "the rugby scrum" but rather that the celebrant is leading the congregation to the Lord.