This weekend the Grand Priory of Great Britain of the Order of St Lazarus held its annual Investiture here in my church. An exceedingly busy weekend it was, but hugely enjoyable and a wonderful expeience for all. Guest of honour was the Order's 50th Grand Master HE Jan Count Dobrzenský z Dobrzenicz and also HRH Prince Charles-Philippe d'Orléans, Grand Prior of France. The Heads of Jurisdiction from the USA, Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands and the Grand Prior Spiritual, the Patriarcal Exarch of the Catholic Melkite Church in Europe, Mgr Pierre Boz. We rejoiced to welcome seven new members into the British Grand Priory and eleven Companions, as well as various promotions for some of our own members and international guests.
After business meetings all day on Friday a Vigil for the investiture was held, followed by a Charity Dinner. I'll post about the Dinner and the Investiture later but will confine myself to the Mass in this post. Thanks to Mike Forbester for most of the photos and also to one of our members William Hackett.

The Schola practising before Mass,
led by Philip Arkwright from Liverpool Cathedral.
The Mass setting was Byrd's Mass for five Voices, chosen because it is an English composer and because it was used at Westminster Cathedral for the Holy Father's visit 12 months ago.
The music was excellent and really uplifted the atmosphere.

Servers and members preparing for the procession into church.
My thanks to the team of altar servers, under the MC Chris Morris,
who carried off the occasion with great aplomb.

Last but not least! The Sacred Ministers set off.
Fr Mark Lawler taking a day away from his new parish to assist as deacon and preacher
and Fr Ian O'Shea from the Cathedral as sub-deacon.
Fr O'Shea is always impeccably prepared and keeps us to the rubrics to the absolute letter!

Prayers at the foot of the altar
with the Grand Master and the Grand Master Emeritus in choir on the sanctuary.

The distinctive "stove-pipe"hat of the Grand Prior Spiritual,
the Patriarcal Exarch of the Catholic Melkite Church in Europe,
Mgr Pierre Boz.

Fr Mark Lawler proclaims the Gospel.

Fr Ian O'Shea Points to the precise place where I am to reverence the Gospel.

Fr Mark Lawler preaches on the synchronicity of resurgence - of the Christian Faith, of the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham,
and of the Order under the leadership of the last two Grand Masters.

The Grand Master and grand Master Emeritus are incensed.

You can get a good look here at the new vestments for the Order, sporting a discreet green Maltese Cross among the embroidery on yellow silk. They were a bespoke design from Serpone near the Vatican and we blessed them at the Vigil the night before.

In Choir - Fr Aldo Tapparo, our Hospitaller,
and new members Fr Michael Thompson and Fr Damian McCaughan.

Adoro Te.

Those in Choir await Holy Communion.

The clergy receive Holy Communion.

As ever, the only sort of sacred queue that should ever form in front of an altar!

The Blessing caught in mid-flow!

The final Blessing.