Saturday 26 October 2024

27th October Mass times


Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

   Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's

Please note times of Masses for All Saints and All Souls this week.


Monday SM 9.30am Mass

Tuesday SC 9.30am Mass

Wednesday SM 9.30am Mass

Thursday SC 7pm Novena & Benediction

           SM 10am Mass with schoolchildren
           SC Mass 7pm

               SM 9.30am Mass 
               followed by blessing of graves in the cemetery

Thirty First Sunday. Year B. 27th October.

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Friday 18 October 2024

29th Sunday of the Year


                           Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's


Monday SC 9.30am Mass

Tuesday SM 11am Requiem Mass for Angela Bolton

Wednesday SM 9.30am Mass

Thursday SC 7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday SM 2pm Requiem Mass for Margaret Evans

Saturday -----

Thirtieth Sunday. Year B. 27th October.

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 12 October 2024

Sunday 13th October Mass times

 Parishes of St Mary, Euxton


St Catherine, Farington.

Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?

Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's


Please note that there are NO public weekday Masses this week.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday. Year B. 19th October.

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Friday 4 October 2024

Masses at St Mary's & St Catherine's for Rosary Sunday

Parishes of St Mary, Euxton


St Catherine, Farington.

Feast of the Holy Rosary

Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's


Monday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's

Wednesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's
Thursday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's
Friday 7pm Mass at St Mary's

Saturday --- No public Mass this morning

Twenty-Eighth Sunday. Year B. 13th October.

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 28 September 2024

Masses for the week starting 29th September

Twenty Sixth Sunday. Year B. 29th September.

Parishes of St Mary, Euxton


St Catherine, Farington.

Feast of the Archangels

Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's


Monday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's

Wednesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's
                    3.30pm Funeral Service for Jack Bilsborrow
                    at St Catherine's

Thursday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's
                12 noon Requiem Mass for Patsy Newton 
                 at St Catherine's
                7pm Novena & Benediction at St Catherine's
Friday 8.30am Mass at St Catherine's
            7pm Mass at St Mary's

Saturday  ------

Twenty-Seventh Sunday. Year B. 29th September.

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Friday 20 September 2024

25th Sunday - 22nd September Mass times


Twenty Fifth Sunday. Year B. 15th September.

Parishes of St Mary, Euxton


St Catherine, Farington.

Tuesday is the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham

Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Sunday Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Sunday Mass at 10.30 St Mary's


Monday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's

Wednesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Thursday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's
Friday 7pm Mass at St Mary's

Saturday  ------

Twenty-Sixth Sunday. Year B. 15th September.
Feast of the Archangels

5pm Saturday Vigil Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Friday 13 September 2024

New Mass times

Tuesday is the Feast of St Hildegard of Bingen

Twenty Fourth Sunday. Year B. 15th September.

Parishes of St Mary, Euxton


St Catherine, Farington.

Vigil Mass at 5pm St Catherine's

Mass at 8.30am St Mary's

Mass at 10.30 St Mary's

Two Sundays ago I gave out the news that Archbishop Malcolm has appointed me as Parish Priest for St Mary's, Euxton, as well as continuing pastoral care here at St Catherine's in Farington. The change has been rather sudden, following the well-earned retirement of Fr Gerry McCusker at Euxton.

One immediate effect of this is that there needs to be a change in Mass times to accommodate providing Mass in both parishes. 

Mass at St Catherine's from THIS weekend 
will be on a Saturday at 5pm.

Mass at St Mary's will be at 8.30am and 10.30am on Sunday.

Weekday Masses will be as often as I can provide them in both parishes.

This is an interim measure while - in consultation with Archdiocese, Deanery and the people - the future is discerned. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to use the resources God has given us to the their best advantage in providing for God's people and witnessing to the Gospel. 


Monday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Wednesday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's

Thursday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's
                7pm NOVENA & BENEDICTION at St Catherine's

Friday 8.30am Mass at St Catherine's
            7pm Mass at St Mary's

Saturday Grounds maintenance morning at St Mary's 
                from 9am - 12noon. 
               Bacon butties your reward!

Twenty-Fifth Sunday. Year B. 15th September.

5pm Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Friday 6 September 2024

A new Parish Appointment


Twenty Third Sunday. Year B. 8th September.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 

Last Sunday I gave out the news that Archbishop Malcolm has appointed me as Parish Priest for St Mary's, Euxton, as well as continuing pastoral care here at St Catherine's in Farington. The change has been rather sudden, following the well-earned retirement of Fr Gerry McCusker at Euxton.

One immediate effect of this is that there needs to be a change in Mass times to accommodate providing Mass in both parishes. 

Mass at St Catherine's from NEXT weekend 
will be on a Saturday at 5pm.

Mass at St Mary's will be at 8.30am and 10.30am on Sunday.

This is an interim measure while - in consultation with Archdiocese, Deanery and the people - the future is discerned. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to use the resources God has given us to the their best advantage in providing for God's people and witnessing to the Gospel. 


Monday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Tuesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Wednesday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's

Thursday 9.30am Mass at St Mary's
                7pm NOVENA & BENEDICTION at St Catherine's

Friday 8.30am Mass at St Catherine's
            7pm Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 9.30am Mass at St Catherine's
               A confessions following Mass

Twenty-Fourth Sunday. Year B. 15th September.

5pm Mass at St Catherine's

8.30am Mass at St Mary's
10.30am Mass at St Mary's

Saturday 31 August 2024

22nd Sunday of the Year

Pope St Gregory the Great
Feast on Tuesday

Twenty Second Sunday. Year B. 25th August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday - No public Mass today
Twenty-Third Sunday. Year B. 8th September.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Friday 23 August 2024

25th Sunday Masses and events


Twenty First Sunday. Year B. 25th August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 

This Sunday afternoon Fr Simon is celebrating his 60th Birthday with a barbeque for family, friends and parishioners. The weather is looking decidedly dodgy, but we have managed to secure a large professional marquee to seat everyone, so don't be put off coming, for those who have signed up! 

Live entertainment provided by Becky Demaine, whom parishioners will know from our Summer Fete. A face painter will be there to help entertain the children - and anyone else who might like their face Painted!


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday - No public Mass today
Twenty-Second Sunday. Year B. 1st September.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 10 August 2024

19th Sunday and the Assumption of Our Lady


Nineteenth Sunday. Year B. 11th August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Thursday. Solemnity of Our Lady's Assumption
                 Confessions 6.15pm-6.45pm
                 Mass at 7pm

Twentieth Sunday. Year B. 18th August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 3 August 2024

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year


Eighteenth Sunday. Year B. 3rd August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am

Thursday - No public Mass today

Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               Confessions following Mass
Nineteenth Sunday. Year B. 11th August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 27 July 2024

Seventeenth Sunday Mass times


Seventeenth Sunday. Year B. 21st July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               Confessions following Mass
Eighteenth Sunday. Year B. 3rd August.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 20 July 2024

Mass times for Sixteenth Sunday of the Year


The Feast of St James the Apostle is on Thursday

Sixteenth Sunday. 

Year B. 21st July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
               10.30am Baptism of Olive Sullivan
Seventeenth Sunday. Year B. 21st July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Friday 12 July 2024

Masses this week and our Summer Fete


Friday marks teh feast of St John Plessinton, another of our local Catholic Martyrs who gave his life for the Mass and the Church. "As in the Primitive times, Christians were esteemed Traitors, and suffered as such by National Law, so are the Priests of the Roman Church here esteemed, and suffer such."            

From his speech at the scaffold.

A reminder that tomorrow, Saturday 13th, is our Summer Fete, starting at 1pm. The rain keeps getting less likely every time I look at the forecast.  But we'll be here anyway.  Come along and join us - you can always huddle around the BBQ to keep warm!

Fifteenth Sunday. Year B. 14th July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday No public Mass today. 
Sixteenth Sunday. Year B. 21st July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 6 July 2024

This week at St Catherine's


Fourteenth Sunday. Year B.
7th July.

Mass at 8.30am
Mass at 10am 


Monday 9.30am

Tuesday 9.30am

Wednesday 9.30am


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday No public Mass today. 
               SUMMER FETE AT 1pm.              

Fifteenth Sunday. Year B. 14th July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Thursday 27 June 2024

Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul


Solemnity of Ss Peter & Paul. 30th June

Mass at 8.30am
Mass at 10am 


Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass.               

Fourteenth Sunday. Year B. 7th July.

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 22 June 2024

Twelfth Sunday of the Year

Twelfth Sunday 
23rd June. Year B. 

Mass at 8.30am
Mass at 10am 

Monday 9.30am Mass

No other public Masses this week.               

Solemnity of Ss Peter & Paul. 30th June

Mass at 8.30am

Mass at 10am

Saturday 15 June 2024

Eleventh Sunday of the Year


Saturday is the Feast of Saint John Rigby (1570-1600) Martyr, Confessor, Layman. Born in 1570 at Harrack Hall, Wigan, Lancashire, England and died on 21 June 1600 at Southwark, London, England. His body was chopped up and scattered around Southwark. Patronages – of bachelors, of torture victims.

Eleventh Sunday 
16th June. Year B. 

Mass at 8.30am
Mass at 10am 

Monday 9.30am Mass

Tuesday  9.30am Mass

Wednesday  9.30am Mass
Thursday 7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
                Confessions after Mass


Eleventh Sunday Year B. 16th June

Mass at 8.30am

Friday 7 June 2024

Tenth Sunday of the Year at St Catherine's


Tenth Sunday 
9th June. Year B. 

Mass at 8.30am
Mass at 10am 

Monday - No public Mass today

Tuesday  No public Mass today

Wednesday  9.30am Mass
Thursday 7pm Novena & Benediction

Friday 8.30am Mass

Saturday 9.30am Mass
                Confessions after Mass


Eleventh Sunday Year B. 16th June

Mass at 8.30am