Tuesday 12 February 2013

Mass of the Holy Face of Jesus


Hoc est enim Corpus Meum.

We offered a lovely Mass of the Holy face of Jesus today.   As it was the Traditional Mass (ad orientem - although all Masses here are so) I was reminded that what is important is not that people are able to see the face of the priest but rather that together priest and people together gaze in adoration at the face of the Lord, as revealed in the miracle of the Holy Eucharist.

Mass was celebrated at the request of friends at the Cenacle.

I couldn't let the moment pass without speaking of our beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict, and asking that we pray for him at this time and to remind people to stick to prayer.  Most especially as the media is so full of rubbish on the subject - misunderstanding, seeing the Church as a merely political or social institution, lazy journalism, casual prejudice, deliberate pushing of the liberal agenda - all have been in evidence.  In fact the only good comments I have seen were from Jacob Rees-Mogg who put the interviewer right on a number of matters!  Great to hear someone not afraid to speak up for the Church as a unique institution that is not and should not be guided by focus groups and popularity polls.


  1. that is one of most beautiful chasubles i've ever seen! just awesome!

  2. Fr, do you have a link for Jacob Rees-Mogg's interview please? I saw only one line quoted from it (on Twitter) but I haven't seen or read the full thing.

  3. How truly beautiful Father.

    I'm not a parishioner, but I am glad I can participate (albeit after the event) by looking at the photos from my laptop.

    Thank you for doing all this.

  4. Rhoslyn,
    I'm afraid i could not find a link to the interview. It was one of many on the day the news broke so there was wall to wall coverage and not everything was put on-line.
