Thursday 28 February 2013

Exuent Omnes

Yesterday morning I was sadly reflecting that it will be the last time I will name Pope Benedict in the Canon of the Mass.  Little did I know that it would be announced on the same day that the same Holy Father, in one of his last acts, has accepted Patrick Kelly's resignation, so there will be no mention of bishop or Pope in the Canon in Liverpool Archdiocese.  The Archbishop sent in his resignation after suffering a stroke just before Christmas, although he would have done so later this year anyway when he turned 75.

Almighty and ever-living God,
who has given your faithful servant Benedict
grace to maintain his faith and hope in you
amid the labours of his apostolic ministry;
graciously bestow upon him, we pray, 
the consolations of your Holy Spirit
and uphold him in serenity of life.
Through Christ Our Lord.

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