Monday 28 January 2013

Charity Walk

18 parishioners and one dog went on a sponsored walk raising money for SUROL - a leprosy charity in Sri Lanka with Cardinal Ranjith as its patron.  It was was organised for World Leprosy Day under the auspices of the Order of St Lazarus in Great Britain  whose members walked in various places including Glasgow, Carfin, Derbyshire, Stockport, Wallasey, and Malta!  I think our little effort here n Lancashire has raised about £500.  We were welcomed back by parishioners who were unable to walk with us by hot soup and plenty of other food and beer!  Thanks to everyone who took part or sponsored us.

We walked through nearby Cuerden Valley where the previous day's snow had mostly melted away and the sun had come out. Some of the ponds were still frozen and the younger walkers found a fascination in finding images in the ice - having been pulled back from its edge after confidently asserting, "Oh yes, it's thick enough to walk on!"
The discovery of a heart shape in the ice (honestly!)

And  a bird (I didn't see it) -
- and the ice is apparently cold to hold without gloves on!

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