Thursday 20 December 2012

Carol Concert

A belated report on the Order of St Lazarus Carol Concert held here last Saturday. The standard of singing was excellent.  As well as traditional Carols we had some medieval pieces and some modern "schmooze".  (Strictly speaking I don't really approve of carols before Christmas itself but getting people out to an Advent Concert is pretty difficult and we were trying to raise money for SUROL - a charity in Sri Lanka assisting those with Hanson's disease, under the patronage of Cardinal Ranjith. It was also a concert, rather than a service, so the blessed sacrament was elsewhere for the evening.)  As well as a decent amount raised through the collection etc, we had a fantastic donation of £10,000!

Thank you to all who came and to the singers and musicians for giving of their time so generously:

David Scott-Thomas - Accompanist
Ailsa Mainwaring - Soprano Soloist
Simon Woof - Alto
Nick Davis - Tenor
Anthony Dickinson - Bass

The Parish benefited as well for our local Councillor, Mike Otter, presented us with a cheque for £200 from Farington Parish Council, in recognition of the work done in the local community.  We will use to upgrade the outside lighting in the grounds.

Councillor Otter presenting the cheque.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Father, that you reserved the Blessed Sacrament in a side altar rather than have the carol singers with their backs to Our Lord! Not the best arrangement, but how much better than the usual. God bless you for it.

    I'm in Canada and have the great blessing to attend Holy Mass at an FFSP parish in Ontario. God is good.

    Father, have a blessed Christmas. I'm looking forward to reading about parish life in your neck of the woods off and on.

