Friday 9 November 2012

Tradtional Mass in St Peter's Basilica

Earlier this week on 3rd November pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome,  to celebrate the Year of Faith with a Mass in the Usus Antiquior celebrated by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.  This video comes from the USA Bishops Conference site and was picked up by Rorate Caeli.

That such an eminent Cardinal at the head of one of the best known congregations in the Roman Curia is celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass in such a high profile location is an excellent sign.


  1. Mgr Sylvester McGee PA9 November 2012 at 18:29

    I can't help wondering if the new Secretary to the Congregation for Divine Worship, Archbishop Arthur Roche, was in attendance. I was re-reading his statement on the Moto Proprio Summorum Pontificum for his former Leeds Diocese from 2007 - along with Fr Z's commentary (see: It makes it clear that while he wants to publicly affirm the Moto Proprio (no bishop can do otherwise) he goes to some lengths to attempt to limit what its clear intentions were - intentions that have been increasingly clarified in the years since. Now that his new boss is celebrating the Extraordinary Form so publicly, I just wonder if Archbishop's Roche's attitude will have undergone a certain happy revision.

    Just asking!

  2. The important thing about Summorum Pontificum and Universae Ecclesiae is not just that any group of Catholics can request and must be provided with the EF of the Mass, but much more importantly, that any priest can say the Mass when he wishes without prior permission from the bishop.

    So if there are any priests so inclined, and I am sure some who read this and other similar blogs are, then get on with it, as Fr Henry, and others do!

    But not, on Thursday at 3.00 pm. What is wrong with Sunday morning at 11.30 or 12.00? I know that many of you already have more than one Sunday morning Mass, but not all.

    As for congregation reaction, I don’t remember anyone walking out of our church when the new ICEL translation was introduced and I suspect even if you suddenly started saying the OF 10.00 Mass in the Extraordinary Form only a tiny handful of the usual suspects would walk out.

    But that’s going too far. A sudden harsh introduction such as was imposed after Vatican II should not have any place in the movement to re-introduce the Catholic Mass of our ancestors, so a little bit of instruction might be in order and, of course, kneelers would have to be provided. But these are all minor matters!

    At the same time could you gradually introduce the Reform of the Reform to your Novus Ordo?

  3. In view of the comments by Jacobi, readers might be interested in this response from Mons Andrew Wadsworth when I sent him a copy of the new Una Voce Federation magazine Gregorius Magnus. Most people will know that Mons Wadsworth is the Secretary of ICEL.

    "Dear Mr Darroch,
    Many thanks for sending me an electronic copy of the new publication, Gregorius Magnus. It certainly makes interesting reading and presents a useful digest of important articles and essays that chart the rehabilitation of the Traditional Mass. The point you yourself make concerning the end of the indult era is, to my mind, the single most important consequence of Summorum Pontificum and the one most widely misunderstood by many traditionalist groups who maintain the restrictions of the indults by continuing to ask permission where no permission is required. I wish you well with this publication and assure the venture of my continued prayers.

    With every good wish,
    Mgr Andrew R Wadsworth."

    I asked Mons Wadsworth if I could publish his comments and he said: "I would be delighted."

    In addition to these kind comments, he celebrated Mass in the traditional form for some FIUV members in Rome on the feast of All Saints. Mons Wadsworth informed me that Fr Hunwicke, who was to be the celebrant, had fallen and broken his shoulder on the Tuesday when going in to St. Peter's. We had less than 48 hours to find a repacement celebrant and Mons Wadsworth kindly stepped in to help us.

    Gregorius Magnus will be published twice a year as an on-line magazine for the 'Friends of the FIUV'. Should anyone be interested please contact

    Leo Darroch,
    President - Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce.
