Monday 19 November 2012

Bishop Mark Davies at the Shrine

 Mgr Wach leads Vespers with Bishop Mark Davies presiding, assisted by canons of the Diocese.

Mgr Wach of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest paid a pastoral visit to the Shrine of Ss Peter and Paul and St Philomena in New Brighton yesterday.  I couldn't be there for Mass in the morning but went to Vespers in the evening, where the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark Davies gave Benediction afterwards.  The new pastor of the Shrine, Canon Mounjean, made everyone welcome and we managed to sing full Vespers.  I wonder if, when the Church encourages us to have the Office in parishes, the sung version is more what She has in mind?  Obviously, this isn't easy to achieve but my experiences of reciting the Office with parishioners before a morning Mass has never left me feeling terribly fulfilled.

 The Blessed Sacrament being placed on the throne.

 The Bishop assisted by deacons.

 Bishop Mark Davies gives the Benediction.

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