Thursday 6 September 2012

Nuptial Mass in the Old Rite

Last month I conducted my first wedding in the traditional Form of the Roman Rite - where the wedding ceremony happens straight away and is followed by Mass.  Catherine and Sean attend Mass here each week and so it was natural that they requested Nuptial Mass according to the 1962 Missal.  We had a Byrd Mass setting sung beautifully by a little Schola gathered together for the occasion by Anthony Dickinson.  Congratulations to Catherine and Sean.

 Thanks to Roger Moss Photography for use of these copyright photos.



 Who says Trads don't know how to celebrate!


  1. Theresa & I had a Missa Solemnis for our wedding in 2006 celebrated by Fr Michael Brown with Fr Eric Woodhead (RIP) as deacon & Fr Shaun Swales as sub deacon. The homily was preached by Fr John Farrell OP (begun in Latin to confuse the congregation). We had the Rudgate Singers from York sing the Ordinary, the Schola Sancti Baedae the Proper & Felling Male Voice choir the 6-part Angelus at the signing of the register.

  2. Hi.

    That really is a lovely sight. I'm hoping that my wedding will be in the EF but its proving very difficult to get permission in Ireland.

    It would be great if you could put a link to my blog on your blogroll:

    God bless you!


  3. Dear Shannon, I would happily link to your site but my server is having greqt difficulty loading it.
