Wednesday 15 August 2012

Transalpine Redemptorists

Congratulations to the Transalpine Redemptorists who have announced today that they have been granted canonical recognition as a Clerical Institute of Diocesan Right by His Lordship the Right Reverend Dom Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., Bishop of Aberdeen.  

Great news for the Church in the U.K. as I understand that they have men ready to ordain and hopefully this can now take place.  As orthodox thinking and Traditional groups come fully into the Church under the pastoral care shown by Pope Benedict the dioceses in this country will find themselves influenced for the good by staunch supporters of the Holy Father and exemplars of living Catholic life to the full.

Well done to Bishop Hugh as well for sorting out this long overdue recognition.

Official Statement
from the
Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer

On this festive solemnity of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God body and soul into Heaven our spiritual joy and fraternal rejoicing is great indeed:
Beneath Her mantle and on this occasion of Her solemn feast, today, 15 August, 2012, our community, The Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, has been granted canonical recognition as a Clerical Institute of Diocesan Right by His Lordship the Right Reverend Dom Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., Bishop of Aberdeen.

We invite you to rejoice with us on this solemn feast of Our Lady through Whose Perpetual Succour, we have received a great favour from Our Lord. 

We also announce the community’s public profession of vows that will take place in Our Lady’s Chapel (at the head of the pier) Stronsay, on 22 August, feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 18.15 (6.15 p.m.). 

The profession will be celebrated by His Lordship, the Right Reverend Dom Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., Bishop of Aberdeen.

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