Friday 10 August 2012

Mass of Ages

I was interviewed recently by Greg Murphy, the Editor of the Latin Mass Society's "Mass of Ages" magazine.  It has now appeared in their autumn edition. Click on the pictures to read or HERE to go to a PDF format.  It is for a short series on priests who blog.  Last time it was Fr Tim Finigan - so I am in good company!

Greg has only been the editor for just over a year but the magazine looks and feels much improved in his time there, so congratulations to him and to the LMS. I would strongly recommend that readers who do not already, should consider subscribing to this regular publication through their website.


  1. A very impressive article, I think that Mass of Ages may be worth a monthly subscription if this is the 'news' that you can read.

    One thing that the article does not mention overtly, is that at St Cuthber's Wigan both the OF in Latin and EF years were celebrated before the publication of Summorum Pontificum. Thus our heritige and living tradition became an integral, and regular part of parish life. As a former parishioner, I think that the organic development of the liturgical and spiritual life is worthy for the 'community' but, as it is seemingly alluded to in the interview, after the decades of 'less wholesome' pastoral care in some quarters, it is not always easy for Priests to reinvigorate the proper, catholic love of our faith.

    If you teach a child 1 + 1 = 2 for the whole of their academic life, and they can never claim to have studied mathematics when tested; the same can be said for our faith. As children, young adults and older people we need to know, love and hold the tools of our faith - being taught by our Priests.

    Many thanks for this blog Father, we should be ecouraged to believe that as one generation are called to God, the next will pick up the banner with even more fervour.

  2. My copy of Mass of Ages arrived yesterday, and I very much enjoyed reading the article about you. I did not realise that it was you who had been selected as the priest for the church in Toxteth that was supposed to be dedicated to the Extraordinary Form, until the scheme fell through as a result of opposition by the council of priests. What a strange episode that was. Where is there a fly on the wall when you need one?

    Slightly off-topic (or possibly not) I sometimes wonder about the Archdiocese of Liverpool: whether some of the clergy are motivated by an ecclesiastical version of a certain political viewpoint which is rather popular in that part of the world. Have I phrased that delicately enough?

  3. My copy arrived this morning Father and its a great article. Im sorry to read that you met with opposition from some of the parishioners at St Catherines but not surprised. Any Priest who is trying his best to do his bit to stabilise the barque of Peter is bound to come up against misguided souls who are convinced that they know what Vatican 2 intended. Take heart Father you are doing a fantastic job.

  4. As you know now Fr Simon I have emailed you directly. I know that you are not the only priest 'suffering' at the hands of Catholic(?) parishioners. We must all pray that the Holy Ghost opens up their eyes to the glory of the EF Mass & (more importantly) that priests saying the OF are changed so that they 'say the black & do the red' rather than paraphrase the words of the Mass.
