Wednesday 23 May 2012

We are in the Lord's Squad

 Pius IX inspecting the Papal Army 1868
- All the baptised are all soldiers for Christ -

The Holy Father gave a lunch for Cardinals on Monday as an expression of appreciation for congratulations received last month for his 85th birthday (April 16) and seventh anniversary of election to the See of Peter (April 19).  It is only brief (in its entirety from Zenit below with my highlights) but two things struck me.

1. His mention of the necessity for friends in the struggle.

2. The military terminology in which that struggle is expressed.

Eminence,Dear Brothers,

At this moment my word can be only a word of gratitude. Gratitude first of all to the Lord for the many years he has given me; years with so many days of joy, splendid times, but also dark nights. However, in retrospect one understands even the nights were necessary and good, a motive for gratitude.

Today the word ecclesia militans is somewhat out of fashion, but in reality we can understand ever better that it is true, that it bears truth in itself. We see how evil wishes to dominate the world and that it is necessary to enter into battle with evil. We see how it does so in so many ways, bloody, with the different forms of violence, but also masked with goodness and precisely this way destroying the moral foundations of society.

Saint Augustine said that the whole of history is a struggle between two loves: love of oneself to contempt of God; love of God to contempt of self, in martyrdom. We are in this struggle and in this struggle it is very important to have friends. And, in my own case, I am surrounded by the friends of the College of Cardinals: they are my friends and I feel at home, I feel safe in this company of great friends, who are with me and all together with the Lord.

Thank you for this friendship. Thank you, Eminence, for all that you have done for this moment today and for all that you do always. Thank you for the communion of joys and sorrows. Let’s go forward, the Lord said: courage, I have overcome the world. We are in the Lord’s squad, hence in the victorious squad. Thanks to you all. May the Lord bless you all. And let’s toast.

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