Sunday 13 May 2012

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

For the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

O Mary we crown Thee with blossoms today!

Thank you to Alice - who crowned the statue today.


  1. Oh, the memories! A procession around the school grounds led by the Children of Mary, the crowning of the statue, followed by Benediction and a celebration tea. And all those lovely Marian hymns seldom heard today.
    I am so glad you are preserving the tradition. I believe one reason for the paucity of processions is the embarrassment of adults. Children have no such inhibitions. They love them, especially if given something to do like holding candles or banners.

  2. How lovely Father.

    I'm in my early forties and I don't remember ever going on such a procession. It's sad.

    I've never been at a "Crowning of Mary" either.

  3. Damask Rose,

    I was present at Father's church on Sunday for the lovely ceremony. It was held immediately following the main Mass and there were about a dozen children all crowded around the beautiful statue. We sang ‘Bring flowers of the rarest’, the ‘Regina Caeli’ and concluded with the ‘Fatima Hymn’. It was very moving.

    At the offertory of the Mass we sang the following hymn, which many, these days, would class as sentimental rubbish and yet it so rich with Catholic dogma. It moves me to tears every time I hear it (and I'm a 38 year old male!) Read the words of the last verse.

    THIS is the image of the Queen
    Who reigns in bliss above;
    Of her who is the hope of men,
    Whom men and angels love.
    Most holy Mary, at thy feet
    I bend a suppliant knee;
    In this thy own sweet month of May,
    Dear Mother of my God, I pray,
    Do thou remember me.

    2. The homage offered at the feet
    Of Mary's image here
    To Mary's self at once ascends
    Above the starry sphere.
    Most holy Mary! at thy feet
    I bend a suppliant knee;
    In all my joy, in all my pain,
    O Virgin born without a stain,
    Do thou remember me.

    3. How fair soever be the form
    Which here your eyes behold,
    Its beauty is by Mary's self
    Excell'd a thousandfold.
    Most holy Mary, at thy feet
    I bend a suppliant knee;
    In my temptations each and all,
    From Eve derived in Adam’s fall,
    Do thou remember me.

    4. Sweet are the flow'rets we have cull’d,
    This image to adorn;
    But sweeter far is Mary's self,
    That rose without a thorn.
    Most holy Mary, at thy feet
    I bend a suppliant knee;
    When on the bed of death I lie,
    By Him Who did for sinner’s die,
    Do thou remember me.

    5. O Lady, by the stars that make
    A glory round thy head;
    And by the pure, uplifted hands,
    That for thy children plead;
    When at the Judgement-seat I stand,
    And my dread Saviour see;
    When waves of night around me roll
    And Hell is raging for my soul;
    O, then, remember me!

    Words: E. Caswall, Cong. Orat. (1824 – 78)
    Melody: IVER by H F Hemy.

    Later in the day I visited the cemetery where my deceased relatives are buried and thought on the happy days (as recently as 2005) where we used to process outside, with banners and the image of Our Lady, one Sunday afternoon in May and the afternoon always concluded with Benediction. I know many people, young and old, for whom it was one of the highlights of the year.

    Our children these days are very much deprived of the devotional aspects of our Faith. The children of the local primary school always used to joined in (I remember the 1970's and 1980's being such a child, with I would say an 75% attendance) but sadly with each passing year the children and teachers got fewer and fewer in number - truly sad.

    These days a more 'enlightened' man has ceased all such devotional practices - as being incompatible with the modern-age - how very misguided. We should all pray for such misguided bishops and priests.

    Our Lady of Fatima – convert their hearts of stone.

  4. Come to Chorley and see Our Blessed Lady, Crowned by children, beautiful flowers and the Holy Rosary every day.

    We love Our Lady here. She is not forgotten. Every May (and October) in most of the Chorley Churches, you will probably find Our Blessed Lady near or on the Sanctuary.

    And She is not for moving! by anybody.


  5. Parate Viam Domini,
    Thank you very much for the lyrics of the song. I was looking for it on the net and couldn't find it and luckily you got it for me. It used to be in the Catholic hymnal we used when I was young but it is no longer available. I have a history with this song. A Catholic friend who had converted to the Pentecostals once took the Hymnal in front of me and angrily crossed out the song and said it shouldn't ever be sung. Strangely, this stupid act of his affected my strong faith in the Virgin Mary over the years and held me back in my devotion to her. Thankfully, by the grace of God, I have been able to over come it. And so I wanted to have my favorite song back. Yes, I also love the last verse very much. Thank you.
