Wednesday 28 March 2012

Easter Exultet

It may be that many priests and deacons have already found this site but in case it's of help to anyone, there is an excellent recording of the new translation of the Exultet at Corpus Christi Watershed. You can also download a copy of the text and music, large scale, either in conventional notation or chant notation. All very useful - certainly for anyone who, like me, is unable to read music with much skill. They also have a whole range of other music for the liturgy both EF and OF.

The photo above was taken a few years ago in my previous parish in Wigan.


  1. Dear Father,

    may I ask if the Masses during the Easter Triduum will be in the EF or the new translation?

    Pax Vobiscum,

  2. OF except Palm Sunday at 11.30am and Easter Sunday at 10am. In the OF the texts will of course be in the new translation,, although much will be familiar to the congregation from previous years, as it will be in Latin - especially the Introits etc
