Friday 27 January 2012

Gossip Alert

Have you heard what goes on at that Church up the road?

A parishioner told me that while dining with friends from a neighbouring parish Church matters came up and the friends wondered how he managed at St Catherine's when all the Masses were in Latin (unspecified whether it was EF or OF). The parishioner explained that what they had heard on the liberal jungle drums was not quite true and explained what does actually happen here on a Sunday. A look of realisation began to dawn on the face parishioner from the neighbouring parish that what he had been told was perhaps a distorted picture.

So wicked to spread gossip - until one is sure of one's facts!

Not that there would be anything wrong, according to the Church rules presently in place, if all Masses here were in Latin - in either form of the Roman Rite but here is the reality for anyone interested enough to take the time to find out what actually goes on.

The first Mass is Ordinary Form in English - all said.

The second is Ordinary Form with music - mostly in English with sung Latin common parts, along with a hymn or two and sung Entrance Antiphon / Offertory / and Communion Antiphon (these are mostly in Latin, but on occasion now in the new English translation). The Canon of the Mass is, for the most part, in English, although on major Feasts it can be in Latin as well.

The third is in the Extraordinary Form. Usually Low Mass with the readings in English, occasionally a Missa Cantata.

They are all ad orientem.


  1. Fr.,

    St Catherine's seems OK to me.

    You are well on track in the Reform of the Reform of the liturgy. It will take time but don't be discouraged.

    The pope has said

    "the ecclesial crisis in which we find ourselves today depends in great part upon the collapse of the liturgy"

    What seems important to me at present is that all Masses are said "ad orientem" so the congregation are led , not confronted!

    Keep it up!

  2. Yes, ad orientem, please. And get rid of all the raised "presiders' chairs" centrally placed behind the altar where the tabernacle used to be.
