Tuesday 17 January 2012

Courageous Fathers

In a time when there are many in the Church lamenting the lack of male adults in our congregations, Zenit has an article on a new film that seems to be moving fathers to re-examine their lives in relation to their families. The focus on a more "touchy-feely" way of being Christian does seem to have put off some men from their Catholic Faith. It's not religion itself (after all Muslim men aren't afraid of being seen at prayer) but something that does at this present time appear to be lacking in our Catholic Faith. Not necessarily a macho element but a masculine way of thinking and doing things. The fullness of the Christian Faith and the teachings of Our Lord are, after all, anything but mamby-pamby!

The film looks very good - a little Americanised, certainly, but I shall look forward to seeing it and anything that promotes "Godly fatherhood" can surely only be a good thing.

The Zenit article follows after the dowloaded trailer and here is a link to the film site with some clips on it:

Dads: Who Will Lead Your Family?
'Courageous' DVD Promotes Godly Fatherhood

By Genevieve Pollock

ALBANY, Georgia. Thousands of men are answering the call to rediscover God's plan for fatherhood, inspired by a new movie, "Courageous".

The film, which debuted in theaters Sept. 30, follows four men striving to fulfill their mission "to serve and protect," both as law enforcement officers and fathers.

Stephen Kendrick, producer and co-writer of the film, told ZENIT that every day he sees some 200 e-mails from "people sharing how the movie has impacted, inspired and blessed them."

"The stories they share are so heartfelt and moving," he said. "Countless dads are now reaching out to win the hearts of their children."

Kendrick continued: "One man realized he needed to step up and reconnect with the daughter he'd abandoned.

"Many have chosen to forgive their dads.

"Wives are saying that 'my husband was a good dad, but now he's becoming a great dad after seeing this movie.'

"Couples heading for divorce have reunited and said that they must resolve to leave a legacy of faithfulness to their children like the men in the movie. We thank God for this!"

Waging war

As policemen, the main characters must team up against gang members and drug dealers to protect the community. Yet even as they battle evil with their guns and Tasers, they learn to use Scripture to fight the demons within in order to become the men of integrity their families need.

"There is so much in Scripture about what fatherhood means, but most men have not taken time to search it out and then live it out," Kendrick stated. "'Courageous' shows it to them in living color."

He continued: "It is so incredible to see how a message about the importance of strong fatherhood is so deeply resonating with audiences.

"The issue of fatherhood touches the core of who we are. Millions of people have seen this movie and have gone on the emotional roller-coaster of laughter and tears as they watch five men trying to figure out what it means to be a great dad."

For actor Ken Bevel, who portrayed the cop Nathan Hayes, the movie was an opportunity to "help serve in turning the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers."

He explained to ZENIT: "As I look at the consistent decline of families and the minimal involvement of fathers in our communities, my heart is challenged -- challenged to the point of action. So, when God provided the opportunity to address biblical fatherhood through film, I was humbled that he would allow me to be used in such a task."

This role, Bevel said, "caused me to examine my own life and my role as a father."

He added: "I asked myself the question, 'Am I being completely intentional about fatherhood and leading my children to the Lord?' Unfortunately the answer was no. So, 'Courageous' has also challenged me to spend more time in Bible study with my family, while praying for wisdom in leading my children to the Lord."

Kendrick expressed the hope for this "life change," not only for all who worked on the movie, but also for all who view it.

The film's release on DVD will allow its viewing by greater audiences. Parishes, ministries and other groups are encouraged to show the movie and utilize the corresponding resources to help effect this life-changing experience.

Tremendous opportunity

One group, the Philadelphia-based Fatherhood and Leadership Initiative, sponsored a showing of the movie that drew the players of two football teams with their fathers, in addition to other families.

Jim Gabriele, one of the group's founders, told ZENIT that "the response was tremendous." People were moved not only by the film, he said, but also by "the underlying message of love of Christ and faith in him as the foundation of a man's most important vocation -- his family."

"This movie clearly brings people together," added Gabriele, "and challenges men in particular to be men of the kingdom, the Godly husbands and fathers we are all called to be."

He added that the "widespread release of the movie provides a tremendous opportunity to put the emotion we all felt at the end of the movie to practical use in our daily lives."

"It is an unbelievably easy tool to use for ministry, and the producers have provided outstanding resources to bring the movie to life via Bible studies, small group sessions, etc." Gabriele noted.

He continued: "Men are notoriously hard to reach in ministry, but the ability to invite men to an engaging movie, followed by structured discussions and the ability to delve more deeply into their faith and how it applies to marriage and fatherhood is an incredible gift."

He revealed to ZENIT that his group will be sponsoring an eight-week study series, available through the Internet as well, on scriptural fatherhood.

Kendrick expressed the hope that many of this generation of men will see "Courageous" and "learn that the role of father is irreplaceable."

He underlined the hope that the audience will see that God created fatherhood "to introduce the next generation to what their loving Heavenly Father is like: a loving Provider, a strong Protector, an honorable Authority, a great Example, a wise Teacher, and an intimate Friend."

The producer continued: "We hope that men get a vision for this and begin to step up with courage and begin to lead their families by example as God intended. This will positively affect the next generation in countless ways."

"We produced a movie," he concluded. "But only he can change a heart. To him alone be the glory!"

1 comment:

  1. DVD pre-ordered, to be screened at our university chaplaincy! Many of our African female students pray to be sent "a godly husband," I don't think they mean someone who likes singing 'Kum ba yah.'
