Wednesday 14 December 2011

Traditional Vespers in Loughborough

I attended Vespers (in the Traditional Form) and Benediction for Gaudete Sunday at Sacred Heart Church, Loughborough. A small Schola organised by Mr Jeremy Boot led the chant and Fr John Cahill was also in attendance along with Fr Mark Lawler presiding. The chant was very uplifting and not a bad attendance from the parishioners of Sacred Heart. Unfortunately, a suitable rose cope couldn't be rustled up in time but no one was too outraged at this lack of appropriate vesture!

1 comment:

  1. It is always excellent news to hear of sung celebrations of the Office.

    Rose is not mandated on either Gaudete or Laetare Sundays so I would not be concerned about using violet. Indeed, as a personal view, I would far prefer to see the use of violet on those Sundays anyway.
