Sunday 18 December 2011

Carol Concert

Thank you to the Elizabethan Singers under the conducting skills of Mr Anthony Dickinson. We had a lovely evening, a full church, excellent music and readings and a hearty celebration fired by mulled wine afterwards!

We also raised close to £450 for those suffering from leprosy in Sri Lanka - the charity adopted by the Order of St Lazarus, under whose auspices the event was arranged.

I was particularly pleased to welcome Fr Oeconomos Christodoulos Fyles of the Greek Orthodox Church in Leyland.

Jollity afterwards
with HE Matthew Jackson, Grand Secretary to the Order
and Confrere Anthony Dickinson, conductor of the Elizabethan Singers.

Father amidst the fray!

Confrere Anthony Dickinson reading one of the Lessons

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful concert Father.

    From the photos we can see how beautifully you have decorated the Church. Really lovely.

    Hope your cold gets better quickly.

    All best wishes for Christmas and New Year.
