Tuesday 29 November 2011

Traditional Parish

Canon Meney at Ss Peter and Paul's in New Brighton on the Wirral has been getting to work organising the first Traditional Parish in the UK. The Church, where I made my first Holy Communion, is not in such a poor state as I had feared when I visited it as Canon Meney arrived. There is, of course, repair work that needs doing and it needed a jolly good clean. It was also being used as a storage space. The main church is still not in proper use as yet so daily Mass is taking place in what used to be a sacristy (when I was an altar server there - some few years ago now!) but this is a temporary measure.

Canon Meney has put up some photographs (from which these are taken) which you can view here. The fine altars you can see were brought over from Italy.

The Sacred Heart altar before the tidying up began!

The statue of Our Lady, which I can remember being dressed in a cope on feast days.

The Lady altar.


  1. Thank God it hadn't been re-ordered!!

  2. Thank you Fr for this report. I hope and pray that Ss Peter and Paul will be just the first of a long list of traditional parishes in Britain.

  3. Wonderful: what a treasure. I can't wait until it's reopened and in full use - then it will truly be a jewel in Our Lady's crown.

    I wonder how many other unspoilt churches exist: shut up in their original condition, just perfect for new life as an EF parish... That was the case with both ICKSP parishes near us in France; do we have "forgotten churches" in England?
