From the Wikipedia page on the college:
"The 1970s were a period of change in the history of the College, as for much of the Roman Catholic Church in the West. During a reordering of the College Church, a new Altar was consecrated on 1 December 1980; the side altars of the College Church were removed, the Tabernacle was re-positioned, and old pews were replaced with new seating. The Baldachino which had hung over the previous High Altar for almost a hundred years was sent to a local antique shop, where it could still be seen awaiting a buyer into the 1990s. Other changes at this time included the change in the College dress code, which had not changed since the time of the Martyrs, and the relaxation of most of the old seminary Rule."
Like Jason in the Friday the 13th films, the Catholic establishment's Magic Circle refuses to die, despite the embarrassingly wide gap between its polyester fantasies and the Benedict-inspired devotion of younger Catholics. It's a cruel paradox that the English Church's leading seminary, the Venerable English College in Rome, treats Summorum Pontificum as a dead letter and shows only the faintest, most patronising interest in the Pope's other liturgical reforms. And now there's a rumour that its rector, the "go-ahead" Mgr Nicholas Hudson, is going to be made an English diocesan bishop, to be replaced by Mgr Andrew Summersgill, the Eccleston Square functionary who made such a hash of planning for the papal visit. Here's an email sent from a well-placed source in Rome to his fellow priests:
Dear Fathers,
For your prayers: there is a *strong rumour* circulating that Mons Hudson will be created the next Bishop of Plymouth and that Mons Summersgill will be his replacement. The latter will be out here for 10 days towards the end of the month. This would not be a popular choice; nor, I think a good appointment for the college…
You can say that again. If this happens, it will be proof that Cardinal Cormac's old boy network is still in place – and that Archbishop Nichols (no fan of Summersgill) has little say in its affairs.
And, talking of +Vin, does he realise with what scepticism his claim not to have intervened in the Cardinal Vaughan affair is being greeted by his own priests? Indeed, "scepticism" is putting it mildly. Ambrosden Avenue is gaining quite a reputation for economy with the truth. I'm sorry to strike such a negative tone but, believe me, you don't know the half of it.
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