Wednesday 23 November 2011

First Profession

Cardinal Piacenza, the redoubtable Superior, Madre Rebecca (on the left), and the servers
together with one of the Sisters looking after the Cardinal's biretta!

On Sunday morning one of Wigan's finest, my friend Sr Maria Emmanuela of the Missionaries of the Divine Word made her First Profession in Rome. Mauro Cardinal Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy and long-time friend of the Missionaries, was the celebrant of the Mass. Congratulations Sr Maria Emmanuela. I've posted about the Missionaries before here.

After the Mass.
The Head of the Congregation for Clergy is keen on dressing appropriately (for him, the pontifical dalmatic) - an example to us all.

Sister celebrating afterwards and below with a gift from her family - a large photograph of her home parish in Wigan - St Mary's. A fine church dating from 1818 - with a fine priest (who dates from a little later than that!) but has three busy parishes to look after in these difficult times.

My thanks to Fr Damian McCaughan for the photographs.

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