Wednesday 26 October 2011

Solemn Mass on All Soul's Day for Fr Michael Williams

I am planning Solemn Mass for All Souls Day at 7pm this coming Wednesday. It will be offered for the repose of the soul of Fr Michael Williams.

Father Michael, who was Chaplain to Broadgreen Hospital and only 42 years old, died suddenly on the evening of Thursday 29 September, the Feast Day of the Archangels. After studying at Ushaw College he was ordained in 2004, so had been just seven years a priest. Michael was a gentle and spiritual man with a deep love for the Church.

Some of those who knew him and worked with him will be assisting at the Mass on Wednesday. Michael was appreciative of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Indeed he expressed a desire to learn it but had the disadvantage of having been taught no Latin at all in the seminary and the Lord called him home before that particular ministry could be fulfilled - just one of many gifts that he would no doubt have given to the Church.

If any other priests would like to attend in choir, could they please let me know.

Please pray for Michael's family.

May he rest in peace.

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