Tuesday 27 September 2011

St Lazarus Investiture

After Mass for Ransom, the patronal Feast of Order in Great Britain, the Grand Master carried opened the Investiture to bring in seven new members to our Priory and eleven Companions, as well as to bestow promotions and honours.

For anyone interested in the history of the order, you can find the interntional website at: http://www.orderofsaintlazarus.com/
Only in French at the moment but soon to be in English as well.

A light-hearted moment ensued when the Grand Master managed to pin the insignia through the thumb of his glove as well as to the new member's jacket!

The other investitures went off without any such hitch!

A promotion to the rank of Knight.

A new priest member of the Order.

Another Investiture.

Eleven new Companions - those who are friends of the Order who support it in prayer and action but without becoming full members.

The final prayers

Exuent omnes!

The Grand Master proceeded by the ceremonial sword.

After Mass, awaiting the Grand Master to proclaim our motto with great gusto:
Atavis et Aramis!

Our Treasurer with his son, who wanted a photo to prove to his school he went away early for a good cause. Apparently, Jesuit schools are suspicious of pupils telling them they want time off to go to Mass!

Grand Masters past and present.

With our Grand Prior, the Baron of Fetternear.
I didn't need the hat after all, as the rain kept off!

Our Marshal and Treasurer getting to grips with flag poles!

The Grand Prior Spiritual with the His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel (ret) Philippe Jourdain, the Grand Capitular.

Chatting over a glass of prosecco.

The wind starts to get up!

Fr Lawler is given a pointer on his Sermon
by H.E. Chevalier Thierry Pauquet de Villejust,
Bailiff of the United States.

Some of the new members and guests.

The Grand Secretary, HE Chevalier Matthew Jackson with the Master of Ceremonies for the Mass, Christopher Morris.

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