Wednesday 17 August 2011

First Extraordinary Form Mass of a newly-ordained priest

For those who know Fr Damian,
the above photograph catches one of his knowing glances!

Last month a newly ordained priest, Fr Damian McCaughan, celebrated his first EF Mass here just two weeks after his ordination for the Diocese of Down and Connor in Northern Ireland. I have been sent some lovely photos courtesy of Mr Brian Munro, and thought it worth posting them for those who were present and for everyone else as well. It was one of those Masses when music, servers, sacred ministers and an excellent MC put the newly-ordained at his ease and proper preparation helped to uplift us all in a prayerful atmosphere. I am acting as sub-deacon while Fr Mark Lawler is the deacon. The photos are quite good quality and so can be "clicked on" to enlarge.


  1. Sorry that this is off topic, but it neeeds saying.

    The BBC coverage of World Youth Day was disgracefully biassed. Would you be good enough to write something about this and encourage people to make a formal complaint at:

    Thank you.

  2. I will certainly be complaining about the BBC's coverage!! I missed the lightening. God has obviously read the Cloyne report!!!!!
