Monday 4 July 2011

Latin Mass Society Pilgrimage to St Winefride's Well

A very busy day yesterday at St Winefride's Well. We were blest with fine weather but the heat wasn't ideal for the wearing of heavy vestments - at least lace is light! My sometimes faltering steps were assisted by Fr Agnellus Murphy FI from St Joseph's in Stoke as deacon and Fr Ian O'Shea from the Cathedral in Liverpool as sub-deacon. After High Mass we processed from the church with the relic to the well for devotions and veneration of the relic of St Winefride. Once all that was done, it was back to the church for Benediction.
My thanks to Mike Barnsdall for the photographs.

Preparing for the pilgrims to venerate the relic beneath the statue of St Winefride - and looking a little dishevelled myself by this stage!
(Perhaps I'm longing for a quick Mass with the second Eucharistic Prayer
and a light polyester alb?!?)

St Winefride - Pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, thank you so much for a beautiful High Mass yesterday! My mother, aunty and I had a wonderful pilgrimage and you were certainly in my thoughts during the procession wearing your heavy alb! I don't know how you did it! I'd have passed out! Sincere thanks for such a special, happy and very memorable day. Pax vobiscum, Andrew
