Monday 30 May 2011

Solemn Mass

Matthew McCarthy is vested by bishop Fabian Bruskuwitz at the Seminary Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Denton, Nebraska in the USA on 21st May.

Last year Matthew was deacon at Mass here at St Catherine's (which was the subject of the first post on this blog!)

After the Ordination Mass Fr Matthew gives his first blessing to the Bishop.

Fr McCarthy will be offering Mass here at
St Catherine's this Friday 3rd June at 5.30pm
and giving first blessings afterwards.

As well as his family and friends in the congregation, I hope that many others will come along to wish him well. The music for the Mass will be provided by a group of seminarians from the FSSP Seminary. In recognition of the parish dedication to St Catherine Labouré, Fr McCarthy will offer a Mass of the Miraculous Medal. We will raise a glass to him ad multos annos in the Pope John Paul Room immediately.

There is also a Solemn Mass of the Ascension this Thursday at 7pm
here at St Catherine's -
again, light refreshments in the Pope John Paul Room afterwards.

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